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Are you the Property Owner? 
Are you part of a Community Title? 
Sorry, you are ineligible to apply for a driveway crossover permit. Please contact the property owner. If you need to reselect your option please close the browser and reopen it.
Contact details
Applicant details 
Is your postal address different from your property address?
Postal Address

Please complete if different to property address

Contractor details 
Office Address

Site Contact number

Worksite details

Work Site Details

Site Address

Proposed Timings of Works

Does this application relate to a Development Application?  

Please note approval is granted subject to development application approval.

Details of Invert

Please note that for residential properties the minimum permitted crossover width is 3 metres for a single driveway and the maximum permitted crossover width is 5 metres for a double driveway.

Details of Crossover

Residential or Non-Residential 
Please select crossover material 
If Non-Residential - please select crossover material 
Existing Footpath Surface: 

To view an example of a sketch please click below in Related Documents.


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