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The City of Holdfast Bay works with the community to improve the safety of road users and increase the efficiency of our road network.
Council Roads
In Holdfast Bay, there are two road owners, Council (local roads) and the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) (arterial roads). Unless otherwise signed, The maximum speed limit in built-up areas is 50 km/h.
All issues regarding arterial roads should be directed to DIT (see link below)
Council does not have the authority to enforce speeding vehicles – SAPOL undertakes this. Please report all speeding vehicle incidents to SAPOL by phoning 131 444 or 8295 2136 for the Glenelg Station.
Local Area Traffic Management / Traffic Calming
To improve the safety of our road network, we investigate and prioritise areas that need traffic calming. “Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) is concerned with the planning and management of road space usage within a local area to reduce traffic volumes and speeds in local streets, to increase amenities and improve safety and access for residents, especially pedestrians, and cyclists.” -Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 8 2020. We use this traffic management method throughout the council area to reduce speeding along local roads. Traffic calming occurs in many forms, with the listed below representing usual traffic calming devices witnessed in the Holdfast Bay area:
- Speed humps and cushions
- Medians
- Traffic islands
- Driveway links (Slow points/chicanes)
- Pedestrian crossings
- Signage and line marking
- Roundabouts
Traffic calming devices are typically only used where there is a defined need. These include excessive average speeds if the road is not a major corridor for through traffic, and devices can be located at safe distances from intersections and curve.
Work Zone Traffic Management
Works on a public road or footpath require either a Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS) or a Traffic Management Plan (TMP). A Traffic Guidance Scheme represents a drawing of temporary traffic control devices around the work site to warn and guide road users through and past the worksite. A TGS is required if the works are relatively short and do not require any lane closures. If the works occur for a long period or require lane closures, then a Traffic Management Plan is required. The TMP must describe where the closure will occur, the duration of works, detailed risk assessment, traffic demand and accommodation, traffic routing and control, and provision for vulnerable users and special vehicles.
When placing hoarding, scaffolding, or equipment on a public road and /or footpath, a Hoarding Application Section 221 form221 form must be completed.
Traffic Investigation Overview
If a traffic investigation is needed, our traffic team will undertake a combination of these various tasks: performing site observations, carrying out traffic counts, and locating any historic traffic evidence in the area. The team can then make an informed decision about whether traffic treatments or upgrades are required.
School Zones and Traffic Management
Due to the high intensity of activity associated with drop-off and pick-up times around schools, traffic can pose a severe danger to children. This is to provide some information to increase the safety of children and road users around schools. The following parking restrictions are common at schools and must be adhered to.
No-parking signs allow cars to drop off and pick up for a maximum of two minutes, with the driver remaining with the vehicle. You must not queue or wait in a no-parking area.
Kiss and Drop Zones are usually located near school gates and are designated with ‘No Parking’ signs. You must follow the rules of ‘No Parking’ Signs, be mindful of others dropping their children off and children crossing the road after exiting the kiss and drop zone.
No-stopping signs and yellow lines mean that drivers must not stop on the road where this occurs, even for a short period, to pick up a child, as it may cause a traffic hazard and congestion.
You must not stop within a bus zone at any time as the zone is only available to public buses. If there are no signs, you are not allowed to stop within 20 metres of the approach or 10 metres of the departure from a bus stop.
No Parking on or across a driveway as this can cause inconvenience to residents and results in complaints to the Council and School. Vehicles must not park in a manner that any part of the driveway is restricted.
You cannot stop near a school crossing and must give way to children crossing or about to cross. When the crossing is in operation, you must not stop within 20 metres before and within 10 metres after the crossing.
Double parking means drivers must not stop next to a vehicle that has already stopped or is parked at the curb at any time. Drivers must not stop if the road next to the vehicle is less than 3 metres, as this will block the road, causing traffic hazards and congestion.
School Zones apply where children are likely to be on the road or path. Drivers must drive at 25km/h or below between the school zones whenever a child or teenager in uniform is present anywhere on the road reserve, including verges and medians.
Traffic Rules
The Australian Road Rules have been made into Regulations under the Road Traffic Act (SA). Local Councils are authorised to issue infringement notices for offences defined in Part 12 of the Australian Road Rules 2019.
The Rules were developed by the National Road Transport Commission, State and Territory transport agencies, police, and other organisations and have introduced uniform or consistent road rules throughout Australia.
These restrictions are imposed for road and pedestrian safety reasons and to maintain access, so parking is prohibited in these areas. Drivers must not stop or park in these zones at any time.
Drivers must not stop in a No Parking zone unless dropping off or picking up passengers or goods. You must not stop for longer than 2 minutes and not leave the vehicle.
A driver must not stop within 20 metres of an intersection with traffic signals or within 10 metres of an intersection without traffic signals. The length is measured from the edge of the gutter.
All vehicles must be parallel marked to the kerb unless signalised otherwise to indicate angle parking instead. All parallel parked vehicles must face in the same direction as moving traffic on that side of the road.
Vehicles must not partly block or stop across any driveway or stop to prevent a vehicle from entering or exiting the driveway, even if it is your driveway.
No part of a vehicle can be parked on the verge, including the footpath or grass outside your home. It prevents obstruction to pedestrians and can cause damage to paving surfaces and services, as footpaths are not intended to hold the weight of vehicles.
Bike lanes represent a single lane indicated by a solid white line with a bicycle symbol painted on the road that forms the bicycle lane. You cannot park within a bike lane during the times specified on the bi-lane signs. If no times are indicated, the bicycle lane operates 24/7.
Only public buses are allowed in Bus Zones. All other vehicles must park at least 20 metres before a bus stop and at least 10 metres after a bus stop to allow buses to safely pull in and out of the bus zone.
Loading Zones may only be used for the pickup or set down of goods or items that are too large or heavy to carry conveniently. A commercial vehicle may use the loading zone for a maximum of 30 minutes while all other vehicles may only use the area for a maximum of 10 minutes.
You cannot stop near a school crossing and must give way to children crossing or about to cross. When the crossing is in operation, you must not stop within 20 metres before and within 10 metres after the crossing.
You cannot park in a clearway during the specified times on the clearway signs as this is usually the busiest time of day and causes traffic hazards and congestion.
Vehicles over 7.5 metres in length (including the attached trailer) or having a gross vehicle mass of more than 4.5 tonnes can only be parked on the road for one hour. Owners or drivers of a vehicle of 3 tonnes or over wishing to park on a residential property require Development consent. The types of vehicles that need consent include buses, motor homes, vans, trucks, prime movers, earth-moving equipment, and associated trailers.
You must not stop within a metre of a fire hydrant, fire plug indicator or fire hydrant indicator.