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Stormwater Pipe Connection 221 Form

Property owners are required to obtain permission from Council to do works (construction, replacement or removal) on their stormwater drains.

Property owners are responsible for all drainage infrastructure related to the drainage of private property. This also includes sections of pipe in the road reserve that discharge stormwater to the kerb. Property owners require approval for works to stormwater infrastructure that disperse stormwater from private properties to the kerb and watertable. As the property owner, you are responsible for the condition, maintenance and replacement (and associated costs) of:

  • pipes from your property boundary to the road that releases stormwater to the kerb
  • drain covers installed in the footpath and/or verge
  • stormwater outlet points installed into the kerb
  • pipes that connect to a stormwater drain
  • surrounding infrastructure such as footpaths, verges, kerbing that gets damaged when installing stormwater infrastructure or from damaged private stormwater infrastructure

No fee is required for a stormwater pipe application.

Conditions for Stormwater Pipe Connection

• Minimum pipe diameter is 75mm and maximum pipe diameter is 100mm.

• Maximum number of outlets is one outlet per 10m of frontage. Up to 2 x 100mm pipes may be provided side by side. If more than two 2 x 100mm pipes are required at one location, a rectangular section steel drain must be provided instead.

  • Drains must run at between 90 degrees and 60 degrees to the kerb and angled in the direction of the street water table flow.
  • All drain outlets must be located a minimum of 0.2 metres from inverts and/or kerb ramps.
  • Stormwater drainage connection must be located at least two metres from street trees to ensure that roots are not damaged and root growth will not impact the pipe. For trees of a legislative status, the proximity is to be determined by Council’s Senior Urban Forest Officer.
  • Street furniture (Stobie poles, Telstra services, trees, signs, stormwater pits, etc.) may not be removed or adjusted for the purpose of installing stormwater drains, except with the express written approval of the relevant authority and Council’s Assets & Delivery Department.
  • If your property is located at a level lower than that of the adjacent road level, property owners are responsible for ensuring adequate stormwater drainage systems (grated drains, pumps, landscaping or on-site stormwater detention, as per Council’s Stormwater Drainage – Building and Construction Policy) are in place to remove water from your property.

Permitted drain types include:

  • P.V.C. sewer-grade pipe
  • P.V.C. pressure grade pipe class 12 or heavier
  • Steel pipe – minimum wall thickness 4mm

Non-permitted drain types include:

  • Asbestos Cement
  • Concrete (steel reinforced)
  • The outlet must be continuous, single length with no leads, bends or joins and adequately sealed at the boundary of the adjoining property.
  • Minimum of 25mm cover must be provided over the top of the drain.
  • The drain must be laid either level or with fall to the street water-table.
  • Concrete kerbing must be saw cut to a minimum of 50mm wider than the drain diameter/width and re-mortared at the stormwater outlet. It is not acceptable to break out the kerbing without cutting first.
  • All stormwater surface runoff from the property and buildings must be contained within the property boundaries, collected and overflow discharges to the kerb and water table.
  • A steel kerb adaptor may be used to protect the pipe. Please refer to drawing SD120 in the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia’s Infrastructure Guidelines SA.
  • A steel checker plate may be secured around the stormwater drain for protection if there is no room to reinstate the footpath above the stormwater drainage. The checker plate must be flush with the footpath level and not cause a tripping hazard.

The footpath should be reinstated to match the existing type with a maximum crossfall of 2.5%. The trench must be backfilled with quarry screenings and tamped firmly to achieve a sound, compact base. Reinstatement work must be completed by the applicant to Council’s satisfaction in accordance with the following:

  • Asphalt
    Edges of existing asphalt must be saw-cut with a straight and clean edge. A minimum of 30mm compacted thickness layer formed from hot mix asphalt laid at a temperature within 4˚C of supply temperature.
  • Concrete
    Edges of the trench must be saw-cut with a straight and clean edge. A minimum of 75mm thickness 20 MPa strength concrete must be suitably compacted and finished to a surface matching existing.
  • Paving bricks or blocks
    Reuse existing pavers that are not damaged or match new pavers to existing, including colour and shape. Paving bricks or blocks must be bedded in sand bedding minimum 20mm thick spread on a base of compacted quarry rubble minimum 75mm thick. The trench edges must not be cut to a straight line where pavers need to be interlocked together after construction. Edges must be restrained by a concrete retainer in accordance with established good practice.
  • No footpath
    Where no made footpath existed, the surface should be topped with similar material to the existing verge and the surface should be left level, smooth and free from trip hazards.


Council land encompasses roads, kerb, footpaths, verge areas, and reserves within the jurisdiction.

Property owners can engage a licensed surveyor to accurately establish property boundaries before commencing any plans or works.

Only those authorised by the council can make alterations to public roads, footpaths, or verges. This includes contractors with Council permission.

Alterations include various activities such as creating new access points, installing structures, changing road materials, planting vegetation, or interfering with existing vegetation.

To perform any of the above-mentioned alterations, you must apply for a Section 221 Permit from the Council. This permit grants authorisation for the intended alterations.

If there's a street tree where you intend to work, note it on the application and provide its location on the sketch.

  • Property owners or occupants are not authorised to remove or relocate healthy or unwell public trees from Council land without prior discussion and written approval from Council.

Refer to Council's Tree Management Policy or contact them for guidance.

Please contact Council via email to for further information or call Customer Service on 8229 9999 and ask for assistance.

Property owners and contractors are responsible for any damage to Council assets. Council conducts surveys before and after work to reduce damage. Under the Local Government Act 1999, non-compliant works must be rectified by the property owner, and costs incurred by Council will be recovered.

Application Form

Please ensure you have the following documents ready to upload before completing the form:

  • The Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency.
  • A plan or diagram, indicating the proposed pipe dimensions and location

Contact Us

For further assistance or queries about the application process, please contact customer service