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Driveway Invert and Crossover 221 Form

Most private properties have driveway access over Council land to the public road network. Section 221 of the Local Government Act 1999 provides the council with the ability to control works on roads, including requiring property owners to obtain permission to do works (construction, maintenance, and/or alterations) on their driveways.

Property owners must submit a Driveway Invert & Crossover application and obtain approval from the council before altering (installing, widening, or replacing) any part of their driveway on public land. Property owners are responsible for the construction, maintenance, and/or alterations of their driveways and all associated costs.

A driveway is the roadway extending from the frontage of a private property to a public road and comprises the following sections:

  • Invert representing the kerb and water table
  • Crossover is the area between the property boundary and the kerb.

No fee is required for a driveway invert and crossover application.


  • Vehicle inverts are three metres wide for a single driveway or up to five metres wide for a double driveway. Requests for inverts greater in length may be considered but will require separate approval from Council’s Assets & Delivery Department.
  • Inverts width should not exceed 30 per cent of the frontage of the site.
  • If the property is below the road level, the crossover must have a crest that is at least 100 mm above the top of the kerb before reaching the property boundary. Otherwise, the finished level of the crossover at boundary must be a minimum of 100 mm above the top of kerb level.
  • The maximum gradient of a driveway shall be 5% between a footpath and invert, 2.5% across the footpath and 20% within the property. In accordance with AS 2890.1, changes in grade shall not exceed 12.5% (1 in 8).
  • The Infrastructure Guidelines SA provided by the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia includes additional standard drawings for blocked paved driveways and longitudinal sections.
  • Inverts & crossovers may not be constructed within 10 metres of an intersection and within two metres of a kerb ramp.
  • Inverts & crossovers must be wholly situated within the property frontage boundary.
  • Inverts & crossovers must be built at least one metre from stobie poles and stormwater entry pits.
  • Inverts & crossovers must be located a minimum of two metres and sufficiently away from street trees as determined by Council’s Senior Urban Forest Officer. This distance may be increased depending on the tree’s size, age, condition, structure, canopy and health. For any new driveways constructed under existing tree canopies, applicants are advised that trees will not be pruned to the detriment of the tree’s health and longevity.
  • Approval for the street tree to be removed, replaced, or relocated will be at the discretion of the Senior Urban Forest Officer and all costs associated (including tree removal, planting and establishment of a suitable replacement) will be charged back to the Applicant as per the Tree Management Policy.
  • No street furniture (e.g. street signs, traffic signs, Telstra infrastructure, etc.) may be removed for the purpose of providing an invert & crossover except with the express approval by the Council’s Assets & Delivery Department and any other relevant authority.
  • The driveway crossover is to be non-slip with a brushed finish-plain-concrete, interlocking type paving bricks or blocks. The crossover may extend from within the property, over the property line, to the invert at the road. Council does not permit construction of exposed aggregate or asphalt-type crossovers.
  • Any disused invert and crossover must be reinstated to kerbing, footpath and verge at the time the new invert and crossover are constructed.
  • Concrete kerbing must be saw-cut for the installation of a new invert. It is not acceptable to break out the kerbing without cutting first, and the entire kerb and water table must be excavated prior to construction.
  • Invert profile must conform to AS2876 and be poured integrally with the water table. All inverts require F72 reinforcing mesh placed centrally in the concrete.


  • Minimum thickness of the concrete must be 100 mm, except for non-residential property which requires a minimum thickness of 150 mm.
  • Base must be of compacted quarry rubble minimum 100 mm thick.
  • Ready mix must comply with AS1379 and have a minimum compressive strength of 25 MPa and a maximum water/cement ratio of 0.5 or slump of 100 mm, except for non-residential property which requires a minimum compressive strength of 32 MPa. Hand-mixed may not be used unless it complies with AS1480.
  • Non-residential properties require F72 reinforcing mesh placed centrally in the concrete slab.
  • Surface finish: inverts – smooth steel trowel. Crossovers – broom finish or wood float. Note: a smooth steel trowel finish is not acceptable on crossovers.

Paving bricks or blocks

  • Interlocking type bricks or blocks minimum of 60 mm thick to be used for residential properties. Non-residential properties require a minimum of 80 mm thick interlocking type bricks or blocks.
  • Bricks or blocks must be bedded in sand bedding a minimum of 20 mm thick spread on a base of compacted quarry rubble a minimum of 75 mm thick for residential properties. Base of compacted quarry rubble for non-residential properties must be a minimum of 150 mm thick.
  • Edges must be restrained by a concrete retainer in accordance with established good practice.

Asphalt reinstatement on the public road following the construction of an approved crossover

  • Minimum thickness for residential properties is 30 mm asphalt compacted. Non-residential properties minimum asphalt thickness is 40 mm.
  • Residential properties require a 100 mm minimum thick base of compacted quarry rubble. Non-residential properties require a 150 mm thick base of compacted quarry rubble.
  • Hot mix asphalt must be laid at temperature within 4˚C of supply temperature and in accordance with good practice.
  • An approved bonding agent must be applied to the base material and allowed to cure in accordance with suppliers’ recommendations, prior to laying asphalt.


Council land encompasses roads, kerb, footpaths, verge areas, and reserves within the jurisdiction.

Property owners can engage a licensed surveyor to accurately establish property boundaries before commencing any plans or works.

Only those authorised by the council can make alterations to public roads, footpaths, or verges. This includes contractors with Council permission.

Alterations include various activities such as creating new access points, installing structures, changing road materials, planting vegetation, or interfering with existing vegetation.

To perform any of the above-mentioned alterations, you must apply for a Section 221 Permit from the Council. This permit grants authorisation for the intended alterations.

If there's a street tree where you intend to work, note it on the application and provide its location on the sketch.

  • Property owners or occupants are not authorised to remove or relocate healthy or unwell public trees from Council land without prior discussion and written approval from Council.

Refer to Council's Tree Management Policy or contact them for guidance.

Please contact Council via email to for further information or call Customer Service on 8229 9999 and ask for assistance.

Property owners and contractors are responsible for any damage to Council assets. Council conducts surveys before and after work to reduce damage. Under the Local Government Act 1999, non-compliant works must be rectified by the property owner, and costs incurred by Council will be recovered.

Application form

Are you the Property Owner? 
Are you part of a Community Title? 
Sorry, you are ineligible to apply for a driveway crossover permit. Please contact the property owner. If you need to reselect your option please close the browser and reopen it.
Contact details
Applicant details 
Is your postal address different from your property address?
Postal Address

Please complete if different to property address

Contractor details 
Office Address

Site Contact number

Worksite details

Work Site Details

Site Address

Proposed Timings of Works

Does this application relate to a Development Application?  

Please note approval is granted subject to development application approval.

Details of Invert

Please note that for residential properties the minimum permitted crossover width is 3 metres for a single driveway and the maximum permitted crossover width is 5 metres for a double driveway.

Details of Crossover

Residential or Non-Residential 
Please select crossover material 
If Non-Residential - please select crossover material 
Existing Footpath Surface: 

To view an example of a sketch please click below in Related Documents.


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Contact Us

For further assistance or queries about the application process, please contact customer service.