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At the City of Holdfast Bay, we support the community's health by providing safe, accessible, and cost-effective immunisation services to help prevent diseases. We do not charge a service fee for clients accessing our clinics.

Babies, children, adolescents, and adults with a current Medicare card can access vaccines through our immunisation service, which is listed on the National Immunisation Program. In addition, residents of South Australia may also access vaccines funded by the State Immunisation Program.

If you or your child does not have a Medicare card, we cannot offer vaccinations listed on the National or State Immunisation Program, except for the School Immunisation Program and three PAID vaccine options. Please refer to the table below to assess your eligibility before booking an appointment.

Please click here for current information on the National and State Immunisation Programs.

Vaccines available for eligible people

Funded vaccines on the National Immunisation Program*Funded vaccines on the SA Immunisation ProgramFunded vaccines on the SA School Immunisation ProgramPaid vaccines**
Medicare Card

Medicare Card & SA Resident
Newborn Awaiting Medicare Card & SA Resident
No Medicare Card
No Medicare Card - Student currently enrolled in Yr7 or Yr10 in SA

* The COVID-19 vaccine is not currently available through the City of Holdfast Bay Immunisation Services.

** Paid vaccines offered: Diphtheria,Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough)- $58.65 / Measles, Mumps, Rubella – $56.58 / Influenza (seasonal) - $22

Catch-up vaccinations for overseas clients are not currently available through the City of Holdfast Bay Immunisation Services.

Immunisation Clinics

Clinics are held:

at the Brighton Masonic Hall, 1 Commercial Road, Brighton

  • 3pm – 5:30pm on the first Wednesday of every month.
  • 10am – 12:30pm on the third Friday of every month.

Please note that as of 1 January 2024, you must have a booking to attend one of our immunisation clinics.

Book online here.

Remember to bring your child’s health record (blue book), Medicare card, and immunisation records. We recommend that you complete an immunisation consent form before your appointment. Consent forms for adults and children are available to download below.


Catch-up vaccinations for overseas clients and the COVID-19 vaccine are not currently available through the City of Holdfast Bay Immunisation Services.

Flu Immunisation Clinics

The City of Holdfast Bay offers bookings for 'Flu only' clinics from late April to early June each year. Please check back in for seasonal clinic dates and times.

From mid-June onward, please book a visit to one of our usual immunisation clinics for flu vaccinations.

Book an immunisation appointment

When booking your appointment, please ensure you select the correct service below.

With each booking, include the following:

  • The client's name (the person being vaccinated) as it appears on their Australian Medicare card.
  • 11-digit Medicare card number and Individual Reference Number (see example).


Brighton Masonic Hall

1 Commercial Road
Brighton, South Australia, 5048
(Next to the Windsor Theatre)