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Food Safety

Food Safety

Standard 3.2.2A Food Safety Management Tools

A new national Food Safety Standard is in place to assist food businesses in handling and processing food in a way that ensures it is safe to eat.

The Standard extends existing requirements and introduces three food safety management tools for food service, caterers, and some retail businesses.
Affected businesses must have the new requirements in place by December 2023.
To see if the new standard applies to your business or for further information, please visit the SA Health website below or contact us.

Registering a Food Business

A food business must notify Council of its food handling operations by providing its business contact details on the Food Business Notification form. Notification is required 14 days before opening and is only required once unless your business details change.

Once your notification is received, a pre-opening inspection of your business can be arranged (free of charge) to assist the owner with design/layout advice and food safety requirements (see guidelines below).

Home-Based Food Businesses can apply to us for approval using the home-based food business form.

Registering as a Mobile Food Vendor

There are four types of permits available:

  • Annual Event Mobile Food Vendor Permit $230 (for trading at events only).
  • Day Event Mobile Food Vendor Permit $155 (for trading at events only).
  • City Mobile Food Vendor Permit $217/month or $2170/year (for trading at events AND at designated areas in the Holdfast Bay area).
    NOTE: The permit application form includes a map of all designated areas.
  • Brighton Sunday Market Permit (No charge)

Note: Please complete the Mobile Food Vendor Permit Application if you wish to obtain an Annual, Day-Event, or City Mobile Food Vendor Permit. The application form includes a map of all designated areas.

Your Name

Please enter your full name.

Please enter your email so we can get in touch.

Mailing address

public liability insurance Certificate of Currency in the sum of not less than TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS ($20,000,000)

The most recent food inspection report or evidence of food business notification from the Council where the food business is situated or where the mobile food vending vehicle is garaged.

Please select the type of permit you require

Jetty Road, Glenelg Traders and Jetty Road Brighton Traders apply to the business' in this area only

Please note your permit will expire at the end of the calendar month regardless of start date

Annual Event Food Permit Holders will be placed on an approved food vendors list for other event organisers to choose from.
Please note all annual event permits including trader permits expire 30 June each year regardless of the start date.
Please provide the address of where the mobile food vehicle is garaged

Please provide a short description of what food and drink ill be offered

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Learn about Food Safety and Allergens

The Food Act 2001 and associated Food Safety Standards require Australian food businesses to produce food that is safe and suitable for consumption.

I'm Alert is a free online training tool for food businesses to ensure food quality and safety. The program is equivalent to a two-day consultant-delivered course. Upon completion, a training acknowledgment form can be printed for your staff records.

DoFoodSafely is also a free online training tool. The program is also available in Vietnamese, Arabic, and simplified Chinese.

Learn about the Food Safety Rating Scheme

We participate in the voluntary State-wide Food Safety Rating Scheme.

Its purpose is to inform consumers how well a food business complies with the Food Safety Standards during their unannounced routine inspection by providing a score, in the form of stars, for businesses to display at their discretion.

  • 5 stars = Excellent.
  • 4 stars = Very Good.
  • 3 stars = Good.

Businesses that receive a rating of fewer than three stars are not eligible for a star rating.

Certificates are awarded after an Environmental Health officer undertakes a routine inspection and resolves any non-compliant issues. A business can choose to display its rating publicly. Only food service businesses, such as hotels, restaurants, cafes, take-away shops, hotels, and retail bakeries, are eligible to participate in the scheme.

The SA Health Food Safety Rating Scheme website below provides more information, including supporting documentation and contact details.

Lodge a Food Complaint

Our Environmental Health Officers work with food businesses to advise and educate food handlers on the correct way of handling food and keeping food safe and suitable.

If you have any complaints or questions about food or food premises, please get in touch with one of our Environmental Health Officers.

Foreign Objects

If you find a foreign object in your food, keep it with the food and store it in a safe place (freezing is recommended). If possible, keep the receipt.

Food Poisoning

Symptoms of foodborne illness may include diarrhoea, vomiting, fever, sore throat with fever, and jaundice.

If you experience these symptoms, you should see a doctor for immediate medical attention. Ask your doctor to take a specimen sample to be sent to a laboratory for analysis.