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The City of Holdfast Bay prides itself on being a premier travel, residential, and commercial destination. Council is highly concerned about anything that diminishes the area's beauty, such as graffiti.
We have a strong focus on the removal of graffiti and repair of vandalism and undertakes the following:
- Provides graffiti removal kits for residents to assist in removing graffiti from private property, including external-facing fences and buildings. These are available for collection from council offices.
- Undertakes graffiti removal on council property with offensive graffiti target of removal within 48 hours of being reported and non-offensive graffiti removed within 7 days.
- Investigate vandalism on council property, make it safe within 48 hours, and schedule repair based on the extent of the damage. If you notice graffiti or vandalism, please report it to Council via:
- Customer request
- email
- phone on 82299999
- MyHoldfast App (available on smartphones)
A photo will assist council staff to determine what equipment is required and allow more efficient assessment.
Graffiti on Council Property and Public Spaces
We are responsible for maintaining the amenity of our public spaces. Please report any graffiti witnessed in council managed areas to Customer Service
Reporting Graffiti on Utilities
To assist us in reducing graffiti within the City of Holdfast Bay, please report graffiti on utility property to the numbers below.
We can also report an incident on your behalf if notified.
- SA Power Networks 13 12 61
- Telstra 180 2244
- TransAdelaide (Train, Tram & Bus) 1300 311 108
- Adshel (Bus Shelters) 8364 6000
1800 501 402 - Major Roads - Transport Services 1800 018 313
- SA Water 1300 883 121
- Australia Post 131 318
- SA Housing Trust (SA Housing) 13 12 88
Graffiti on Private Property
If you have become a victim of graffiti, you may wish to report the act of vandalism to SAPol. To report an offence in progress, please call the police on 131 444.
Council does not remove graffiti from private property. However, we will supply free graffiti removal products to residents within the City of Holdfast Bay to assist in keeping their property graffiti-free.
Should you, a family member, or a friend be unable to remove the graffiti, the council may be able to offer assistance via a Graffiti Prevention Volunteer (where practicable).
Free Graffiti removal products
Free graffiti removal products are available to residents within the City of Holdfast Bay.
For information regarding the kits, please contact Customer Service:
Graffiti on Private Property under Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act
Council may take action under the Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act 2016 to order a property owner to remediate their property of graffiti if it is deemed unsightly. Please refer to the Local Nuisance page for more information and if necessary, contact Council with the details of the property for further investigation.