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Event Permits and Licenses

You will find here more information about additional permits you may be requiring for your event.

Event Permit

If you wish to organise a small, large, or major event in the City of Holdfast Bay, you will be required to submit an event application. Detailed information is available on our Event Application page.

Mobile Food Permit

This permit allows food businesses to trade at events within the City of Holdfast Bay at the request of event organisers only.

Please allow a minimum of 5 days to process and approve Food Permit applications. There is no guarantee that a permit will be approved in less than 5 days.

Event Vehicle Permit

Permission is granted for vehicles to access the event site, as required, for conveying goods and equipment – unloading and loading only. Once a vehicle is unloaded/loaded, it must be driven off-site and into allocated public parking areas. Only vehicles allowed to remain on the event site are physically required, i.e. catering vans and food trucks.

Any request for vehicles to remain on a reserve or foreshore area or a designated off-site location must be made in writing to the Event Team. All requests are subject to approval and are not guaranteed. If approved, the event organiser will be allocated an Event Vehicle Permit, which must be displayed on each vehicle. Only essential vehicles that are deemed vital to the operations of the event will be permitted to remain on-site at the discretion of the council.

Liquor Licence

A liquor licence is required should you wish to sell or distribute alcohol at your event. Applications must be submitted through Consumer and Business Services (CBS) within the following timeframes:

  • Class 1 – 7 days before the event
  • Class 2 – 30 days before the event
  • Class 3 – 60 days before the event

Council does not issue the licence but can provide you with a letter of support. Please notify us in your Event Application. There is no cost associated with the issue of a letter of support.

Before your event, you must provide the council a copy of your liquor licence. You will also be required to demonstrate you are meeting the requirements imposed on your event by CBS. Failure to do so might result in the cancellation of your Event Permit.

The City of Holdfast Bay has three permanent Dry Zones at Glenelg, Brighton, and Seacliff. These Dry Areas are in effect 24 hours a day, all year round.

Dry Zones play an important role in the City of Holdfast Bay. A 'Dry Area' or 'Dry Zone' is an area where the consumption of or possession of liquor (in open containers) is prohibited under the Liquor Licensing Act 1997. A person who consumes or has possession of opened liquor in a Dry Area is guilty of an offence, which carries a maximum penalty of $1250.

The purpose of a Dry Area is to minimise any potential risk or negative impact to the amenity of a public area caused by anti-social behaviour associated with excessive alcohol consumption.

The City of Holdfast Bay has three permanent Dry Zones (regulated by Long-Term Legislation) located at Glenelg, Brighton, and Seacliff. These Dry Areas are in effect 24 hours per day all year round.

As well as the established Long-Term Dry Zones, the City of Holdfast Bay operates periodic temporary Dry Zones (regulated by Short-Term Legislation) on socially pivotal occasions throughout the year. The purpose of these temporary Dry Zones is to further aid South Australia Police in curbing any anti-social behaviour associated with

More information on Dry Areas may be obtained from the Consumer and Business Services website. For local Dry Zone information, please contact the City of Holdfast Bay's Liquor Licensing Officer at (08) 8229 9999.

Music Licence

If music is performed at your event by a musician who was not the original artist, you must apply for a OneMusic Licence. This is to cover the copyright in the songs (lyrics, composition etc.). It is the responsibility of the event organiser to obtain the relevant music licences.

Visit the OneMusic website for more information about the type of licence you will need, the fees, and the deadlines.

Aquatic Activity Licence

While the City of Holdfast Bay is responsible for the use of the beach, the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure is responsible for any aquatic activity.

Please note that it takes 4 weeks for the aquatic licence to be approved and event approval is required prior to the submission of the aquatic licence application. More information about the licence is available on the Government of South Australia website.

Special Requests

Special requests may include fireworks, helicopter landings, special displays etc. Please contact the Events Team as soon as possible to discuss the details.

Contact the Events Team