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Tree of the Month

Tree of the Month

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Each month we showcase an iconic or loved tree in Holdfast Bay. The tree of the month aims to increase the awareness of the value of trees in the City of Holdfast Bay, highlighting the important role trees play in our city such as shade, cooling, clean air, fauna habitat, wellbeing and connection to nature.

July - Tree of the Month

Species: Melaleuca lanceolata (dryland tea-tree)
Family: Myrtaceae
Origin: SA, VIC, NSW, QLD
Flowering time: Spring/Summer
Flower colour: White
Purpose: Ornamental, habitat, wind protection, screen
Canopy cover (approximate shade provided): 3m x 2m
Approximate age:
30-40 years
Estimated amenity value:
$51,994.76 (based on the City of Melbourne’s Amenity Value Formula)

Somerton Park local Rae loves this tree, which she affectionately calls the ‘twisty tree’.

And now that it bears the Tree of the Month medallion, she hopes even more people will appreciate its beauty and value.

“It’s just beautiful, and I was just drawn to it when I first walked through here,” Rae said from Sutherland Reserve at Glenelg South.

“I’m very, very happy that people will notice it now.”

The local native is a dryland tea-tree, which can also be found in the nature reserve at Barton Gully. This particular tree is estimated to be between 30 and 40 years old and will be covered in white, bottlebrush-shaped flowers in the warmer months.

“I think it’s very worthy of a nomination because it’s different,” said Rae, who particularly loves its twisted trunk that is “full of character”.

People visiting the park can scan the QR code on the medallion to learn more about the tree – and nominate their own favourite tree to be our next Tree of the Month.

With care and maintenance, after 20 years, this tree could potentially:

  • offset 169 kilometres worth of CO2 emitted from the average petrol-powered passenger vehicle
  • absorb enough stormwater to fill 1,292 bathtubs
  • remove an amount of pollution from the air – in gaseous and particulate form – equivalent in weight to 127 smartphones

Person standing next to a tree

Tree of the Month Nomination Form

Is there a tree that you love or that you think deserves recognition in the City of Holdfast Bay? Take the time to nominate it by completing the form below.

Please attach a photo of the tree, if you have one. File size should not exceed 3MB

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