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Tree of the Month

Tree of the Month

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Each month we showcase an iconic or loved tree in Holdfast Bay. The tree of the month aims to increase the awareness of the value of trees in the City of Holdfast Bay, highlighting the important role trees play in our city such as shade, cooling, clean air, fauna habitat, wellbeing and connection to nature.

January 2025 - Tree of the Month

Species: Ficus platypoda (rock fig)
Family: Moraceae
Origin: Central and northern Australia
Flowering time: Spring, autumn and winter
Flower colour: Cream
Purpose: Shade, habitat, edible
Canopy cover (approximate shade provided): 20 metres
Approximate age: 100 years old
Estimated amenity value: $144,429

A much-loved and valued tree at Seacliff is our Tree of the Month for January.

Estimated to be around 100 years old, this rock fig tree on Wheatland Street has been struggling with poor health. But Council’s Field Services team is making a concerted effort to bring it back to good health.

The root zone has been expanded to enrich the soil with biochar and beneficial microbes, vehicle access around the tree has been restricted to reduce soil compaction and it’s being regularly watered and fertilised to support its recovery.

Seacliff ward councillor Clare Lindop helped adorn the iconic tree with a Tree of the Month medallion and is excited to see that the tree is already showing signs of new growth.

With care and maintenance, after 20 years, this tree could potentially:

  • offset 79 kilometres worth of CO2 emitted from the average petrol-powered passenger vehicles
  • absorb enough stormwater to fill 1525 bathtubs
  • remove an amount of pollution from the air – in gaseous and particulate form – equivalent in weight to 13 smartphones

Person with Tree of the Month medallion on a tree

Tree of the Month Nomination Form

Is there a tree that you love or that you think deserves recognition in the City of Holdfast Bay? Take the time to nominate it by completing the form below.

Please attach a photo of the tree, if you have one. File size should not exceed 3MB

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