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Community Bus

Community Bus

Our community bus service is provided by a dedicated team of volunteers who can assist you on and off the bus and transport you to local shops, community centres, and libraries. The community bus is for anyone in the community; however, an assessment process will be completed before a resident's first trip to ensure safety.

Community Bus Locations

Enjoy the ease of being picked up from your home with other residents in your community, allowing you to socialise and form friendships.

Our community buses are available to take you to your local shopping precinct. The bus allows you time to shop and run errands at the bank, post office, or library. Our buses travel to Brighton, Glenelg, and Marion every week.

  • Buses to Glenelg run in the morning on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
  • Buses to Brighton run in the morning on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Thursday afternoons fortnightly
  • Buses to Marion run in the morning on alternate Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Anyone living in Holdfast Bay is welcome to catch the buses. If you have a My Aged Care referral for transport, this transport is subsidised.

General bus fare - $3.80 one way/ Subsidised bus fare - $2.55 one way

Bus Hire

When our buses are not in use, they are available for hire to local non-profit community groups. Hire is subject to bus and council-accredited volunteer driver availability.

Bus Hire form

Are you a not for profit organisation?

Unfortunately you do not meet the requirements to apply for Council bus hire, this service is for non-profit only.

Please enter your full name.

Please enter your email so we can get in touch.

Do you require a bus with wheelchair accessibility? 
Booking Details


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Access & Safety

All our community buses are fitted with seat belts for safety, and air conditioning/heating for your comfort. We have space for walkers, trolleys, and shopping bags (limited to two bags per passenger). A lifter is also fitted to some buses to accommodate residents using a wheelchair.

Personal Transport service

Volunteers offer personal transport services to residents with a current My Aged Care Transport Referral. This service is aimed at those who do not drive or catch public transport and can get them to and from medical appointments, social activities, shopping precincts, etc.

The personal transport service is available from 8.30am to 5pm Monday through Friday, with a minimum of four working days' notice for all bookings.

Accessing this service depends on an assessment to ensure suitability and safety and is limited by the availability of volunteers.

Personal Transport service costs:

  • Within the City of Holdfast Bay - $5 one-way
  • Outside of the City of Holdfast Bay but within 10km from home - $10 one-way
  • Outside of Holdfast Bay but within 20km from home - $15 one-way

Please note: This is not an emergency service. For all emergencies, please call 000.