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Cemeteries and Memorials

Cemeteries and Memorials

Burial and Lease Information

Burial plots at the cemeteries are limited. For all advice on burials and leases, please contact the Adelaide Cemeteries Authority

Seaside Memorials

Seaside Memorials are available at Brighton and Glenelg to provide a place for people to honour loved ones whose ashes have been scattered in the waters off the beach. The memorial concept grew from our wish to help the many people who called us, expressing a need for a lasting, physical memorial of their loved one – something they could visit and touch.

  • The memorials are granite sculptures that celebrate life and the people who loved this special place.
  • Spaces cannot be reserved for engravings on the seaside memorials; inscriptions are made in the order in which they are received.
  • Names are added to the memorial four times a year. Please do not leave flowers at the memorial.

Seaside Memorial Application Form

Which seaside memorial would you like to request an inscription on? 

Name of person ordering the inscription

20 characters left

Maximum of 17 characters is preferred including spaces, commas etc.

Names are added to the Seaside Memorial 4 x times per year, once payment is received the name will be sent to the monumental masons to be added on the next scheduled works date. An invoice for $1,800 will be sent to the name and address listed on this order form. Names cannot be inscribed until payment is received. This is a once-off payment and the name will remain inscribed for the life of the memorial and is for the memory of persons whose cremated remains have been scattered in the waters of Brighton Beach. Whilst the City of Holdfast will endeavour to keep the Seaside Memorial in good condition, it will not be responsible for any delays in repairing or removing vandalism or damage that may occur. Please sign to indicate acceptance of the above terms
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Memorial plaques on benches

Memorial Plaques are a popular program for the community to memorialise and honour a loved one. It involves a license for a plaque placed on a public bench for a duration of 10 years, renewable. The current fee is $4,600 per ten-year period for a location on the foreshore and $3,100 for seats in parks and reserves. Not all seats are open for memorials.

If you would like more information or are ready to apply for a plaque on a public bench, please download the application form and terms and conditions.
The demand for memorial seats is much higher than the seats we have available. Please note that there is no waiting list for particular seat locations.
To accommodate the people who wish to honour a loved one on the foreshore, we have developed the Glenelg and Brighton Seaside Memorial (see below).

St. Jude's Cemetery

Located at the rear of the St Jude’s Church at 444 Brighton Road, Brighton, St Jude’s Cemetery was established in 1854 and is the resting place of many significant South Australians, including Sir Douglas Mawson, Sir William Ashton, and Catherine Helen Spence. The cemetery is listed as a State Heritage site and includes a columbarium (niche) wall for the interment of cremated remains.

North Brighton Cemetery

Located at 301 Brighton Road, Somerton Park (with entry via King George Avenue), the North Brighton Cemetery recorded its first burial in 1859. It features the graves of many Glenelg and Brighton identities, including William Fisk and the Bagshaw and Chinner families.

The cemetery includes several columbarium (niche) walls for the interment of cremated remains. It features a mural and name plaques to honour the memory of stillborn babies and children buried there in unmarked graves from 1902 to 1984.

Family History

If you’re researching your family history, the Holdfast Bay History Centre can assist you with searching for gravesites in our St Jude’s and North Brighton cemeteries. Please note this service is only available for historical graves up until 1940. Please contact the Adelaide Cemeteries Authority for all other searches and enquiries.