Multi-million dollar stormwater progressing at Somerton Park
If you’re wondering why Tarlton Street at Somerton Park is closed to traffic, with bus route changes also in place, this photo will help explain why.
As part of the multi-million dollar Somerton Stormwater project, new stormwater pipes are now being installed in Whyte Street with box culverts going in under the road at Tarlton Street to help direct stormwater.
Six of 12 stormwater junction boxes connecting the new pipes are also in place.
These works follow the installation of the city’s 9th Gross Pollutant Trap (GPT) on Whyte Street, next to John Miller Reserve, in December last year.
GPTs are important pieces of infrastructure as part of our stormwater system. They collect large amounts of debris, leaf litter, rubbish and pollution and work together to keep our oceans clean.
Over the next month, the Esplanade/Whyte Street roundabout will be reinstated.
In April, work will begin on the installation of two more GPTs at Harrow Road.
Council committed $3.1 million to the stormwater upgrades with $3.2 million received in State and Federal Government funding.