Jetty Road Glenelg dry area extended
The full length of Jetty Road Glenelg is now a declared dry area, as determined by the State Government.
The change came into effect on Thursday 31 October 2024, after Council consulted with the community in late 2023.
The proposal to extend the dry area along Jetty Road, including the tram stop at Brighton Road and into side streets, was supported by more than 85 per cent of local residents and traders.
A dry area is an alcohol-free zone. Under the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, the consumption of or possession of liquor (in open containers) is prohibited in this area.
Previously, the Glenelg Foreshore, beach and jetty were in the declared dry area.
Now the Glenelg dry area extends the length of Jetty Road, up to Augusta Street and across to High Street and still includes the Glenelg Foreshore up to Wigley Reserve.
Anyone who has or drinks alcohol in a dry area can be fined up to $1250 or be given an on-the-spot fine of $160.
“The Glenelg Dry Zone has been extended down Jetty Road to address anti-social behaviour being experienced in the area,” said Consumer and Business Affairs Minister Andrea Michaels MP.
“Everyone deserves to feel safe in their community, and we have heard the feedback from local residents and traders that they would like this area to be a dry zone year-round.”
The enforcement of a dry area, which only applies to public areas, is the responsibility of SA Police.
Residential homes and gardens are not covered under a declared dry area.