Still Water

Public Arts Nearby
6 Chappell Dr, Glenelg SA 5045, Australia
Created in granite and bronze the series of sculptural works skirt the path along Colley Reserve. The works were installed in 2004 by artist Deborah Sleeman and the plaque reads; 'Observations on the modification and containment of the natural environment, both through organic processes over millennia and the more rapid changes that come with human intervention'
A Chorus of Stones
Marina Pier, Glenelg SA, Australia
This war memorial has a centerpiece of polished granite depicting a sword, a wreath, and one simple word, REMEMBER. Around the granite disc are six large stones (in pairs) set into the footpath, one of each pair has an engraved word – loss, sacrifice, and silence. The three pairs of boulders signify the three wings of our armed services.
Celestial Reduction
2 Holdfast Promenade, Glenelg SA 5045, Australia
The symbols references and materials relate to celestial navigation. This complex and accurate form of navigation, once sacred knowledge is now reduced to high technology equipment.