The Liddy Sea Dragon

Public Arts Nearby
Empty Vessel
31 S Esplanade, Glenelg South SA 5045, Australia
Astra Parker is known fro using steel to create remarkably organic forms that reflect natural forms. This sculptural work sits proudly along the Jimmy Melrose Reserve and plays beautifully with the stunning coastal setting.
Sesquipedalian sea squirt
Chapel Street, Glenelg SA, Australia
The title of the sculpture, sesquipedalian sea squirt, is a reference to the unusual sea species found in South Australian waters. The sculpture is generous, fun, colourful and responsive sculpture that invites people to touch and interact with it. The work incorporates sensor activated light, water and textural surface elements that creates interest and provokes discussion. The artwork is designed to arouse curiosity, challenge people’s perceptions and provides viewers with the opportunity to form their own interpretation.
Jimmy Melrose Memorial
13 S Esplanade, Glenelg SA 5045, Australia
This bronze head and shoulder bust was created by artist Ken Martin as a tribute to Charles James (Jimmy) Melrose (1913-1936). Raised on Glenelg’s Esplanade at Glenwood Mansions (now Melrose Apartments), Jimmy captivated the world with his aviation exploits across the globe. He established several Australian flying records and set world records, all within 3 short years. Tragically, on 5 July 1936, aged 22, Jimmy died on a charter flight from Melbourne to Darwin when his Heston Phoenix broke up over South Melton, Victoria in turbulent conditions. His death sent shock waves around the world as people mourned their 'chivalrous young knight of the air'.