You’ll find on this page:
- Strategic Plan - Our Holdfast 2050+
- Wellbeing
- The Open Space and Public Realm Strategy
- Arts & Culture Strategy 2019 -2024
- Regional Public Health Plan
- Play Space Action Plan 2019 -2029
- Youth Action Plan 2018-2023
- Disability Access and Inclusion Plans 2020-2024
- Animal Management Directions Plan
- Community Land Management
- Sustainability
- Environment Strategy
- Gullies Masterplans
- Asset Management Plans
- The Long Term Financial Plan
- Stormwater Management Plan coastal catchments between Glenelg and Marino
- Innovation
- Economic Activation Plan 2018-2023
- Holdfast Bay Tourism Recovery Plan 2023
- Events Strategy
The following publications inform our strategic directions and objectives. These documents are regularly reviewed and updated as legislation requires or in response to changes and community expectations.
Strategic Plan - Our Holdfast 2050+
The key strategies to support achieving our vision over the next ten years and ‘signposts’ to guide decision-making into the future.
Good health and economic success in an environment and a community that supports wellbeing.
The Open Space and Public Realm Strategy
The Open Space and Public Realm Strategy guides the development and management of parks, reserves, recreation facilities and other public spaces until 2030.
Arts & Culture Strategy 2019 -2024
This Strategy and Action Plan provides a framework for coordinating, promoting, managing, and investing in Arts and Culture across the city over the next five years.
Regional Public Health Plan
Play Space Action Plan 2019 -2029
The Playspace Action Plan has been developed to prioritise investment in play spaces across the city. This plan outlines short, medium, and long-term actions over the next 10 years.
Youth Action Plan 2018-2023
The Holdfast Bay Youth Action Plan guides the role of the council, particularly the council’s Youth and Recreation Officer and HoldUp Youth Committee, in providing youth services and opportunities across our community.
Disability Access and Inclusion Plans 2020-2024
The Disability Access & Inclusion Plan (DAIP) is a four-year plan that guides investment in ensuring equal access and inclusion for all people who live, work, and play in the City of Holdfast Bay.
Animal Management Directions Plan
Community Land Management
Council has developed Community Land Management Plans for all of its community land. The Plans outline what the land will be used for, how it will be managed, and what activities will be permitted on it, assisting the council in its ongoing land management.
Council-owned land not listed as Community Land is listed on an exclusion list.
A city and economy that is resilient and sustainable.
Environment Strategy
The Environment Strategy is a ‘living document’ with a long-term vision that sets the direction for Council’s activities and resource allocation – primarily over the next five years – as we strive to protect and enhance the region’s environment for future generations. The plan takes a holistic approach to environmental management. It focuses on what we, as a council, can realistically do to enhance the natural environment and how we can best support the efforts of our stakeholders, partners, and community groups.
Gullies Masterplans
Asset Management Plans
Asset Management Plans are important documents that help us to plan and invest wisely to maintain our assets and infrastructure so we can continue to deliver valuable services for our community now and into the future.
Assets are the foundation stones of the City of Holdfast Bay and include the streets we drive on, the parks and reserves our family play on, the stormwater network we rely on, and the community and sporting facilities we enjoy across Holdfast Bay.
The Long Term Financial Plan
The report shows how we have progressed towards our key objectives and are working towards achieving the community vision.
Stormwater Management Plan coastal catchments between Glenelg and Marino
A Stormwater Management Plan, formally approved by the state government Stormwater Management Authority, is being implemented jointly by the Cities of Holdfast Bay and Marion for the coastal water catchment between Glenelg and Marino, west of the Sturt River.
A thriving economy and community that values lifelong education, research, creativity, and entrepreneurialism.
Economic Activation Plan 2018-2023
Holdfast Bay Tourism Recovery Plan 2023
A strategic plan to guide the recovery and the development of the Holdfast Bay tourism industry for the next three years. The Tourism Recovery Plan aims to restimulate tourism in our region and help businesses and tourism operators recover economically from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Events Strategy
The Event Strategy provides a clear framework and direction for the development, management, and investment in events in a creative, sustainable, and economically responsible way over the next five years.