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Informal Sessions

Informal Sessions

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Council Informal sessions, where appropriate, provide a valuable opportunity to enhance the decision-making processes by providing opportunities for council members to become better informed on issues and seek further clarification. These sessions can include planning and training information.

Informal sessions are not used to obtain or effectively obtain a decision on a matter outside of formal council or committee meetings (s90A(2) Local Government Act).

Council Informal sessions are required to be open to the public when a matter is or is intended to be on the agenda for a formal meeting of the council to be discussed (s90A(3) Local Government Act).

Sessions to consider confidential information will be closed to the public to allow attendees to receive, discuss or consider any information or matter considered confidential under s.90(3) Local Government Act. This decision can be made by the council or the CEO. A person who remains in the session knowing it is a closed session (an order has been made) will be guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty (excepting council members or persons permitted to be in the room).

Council Informal Sessions

  • Past & Current Meetings
  • Upcoming Meetings
Meeting Date Location Meeting Types Open to Public Topics Documents
2 July 2024 Brighton Civic Centre Council Workshops/Briefings No Transforming Jetty Road Project
    No documents available
24 June 2024 Brighton Civic Centre Council Workshops/Briefings Yes Elected Member Briefing - Annual Business Plan and Budget
    No documents available
18 June 2024 Council Workshops/Briefings Yes No Workshop
    No documents available
No venue set
Open to public?
4 June 2024 Brighton Civic Centre Council Workshops/Briefings Yes Draft 2024-25 Annual Business Plan
    No documents available
28 May 2024 Glenelg Town Hall Council Workshops/Briefings Yes Alwyndor Budget 2024-25
    No documents available
21 May 2024 Brighton Civic Centre Council Workshops/Briefings No Transforming Jetty Road Project
    No documents available
7 May 2024 Brighton Civic Centre Council Workshops/Briefings Yes The Planning System Part 2 – A Refection on Recent Cases
    No documents available
30 April 2024 Brighton Civic Centre Council Workshops/Briefings Yes Economic Development Strategy
    No documents available
23 April 2024 Glenelg Town Hall Council Workshops/Briefings Yes Gully Masterplans
    No documents available
16 April 2024 Brighton Civic Centre Council Workshops/Briefings No Glenelg Football Club Working Group Update and Proposed Community Event
    No documents available
16 April 2024 Brighton Civic Centre Council Workshops/Briefings Yes Partridge House
    No documents available
9 April 2024 Brighton Civic Centre Council Workshops/Briefings No Business Confidence Survey 2023
    No documents available
2 April 2024 Brighton Civic Centre Council Workshops/Briefings No Wellbeing Strategy
    No documents available
26 March 2024 Glenelg Town Hall Council Workshops/Briefings No Project Inception Briefing – Transforming Jetty Road Glenelg
    No documents available
19 March 2024 Brighton Civic Centre Council Workshops/Briefings Yes Review of Strategic Plan
    No documents available
19 March 2024 Brighton Civic Centre Council Workshops/Briefings No Annual Business Plan 2024-25
    No documents available
5 March 2024 Glenelg Town Hall Council Workshops/Briefings No Annual Business Plan 2024-25 - Workshop 2
    No documents available
5 March 2024 Glenelg Town Hall Council Workshops/Briefings Yes Events Season 2024-25 and Jetty Road Budget 2024-25
    No documents available
27 February 2024 Glenelg Town Hall Council Workshops/Briefings No Public Art and Monuments Policy
    No documents available
20 February 2024 Glenelg Town Hall Council Workshops/Briefings Yes Movement and Transport Plan
    No documents available
Meeting Date Location Meeting Types Open to Public Topics Documents
No records.