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Annual Business Plan, and Annual Reports

Annual Business Plan, and Annual Reports

The Annual Business Plan defines our objectives for the year, the activities required to deliver our strategic objectives, and how we will monitor and measure our performance. In addition, it contains a summary of the proposed revenue and expenditure required to deliver our program, developed within the context of our Long-Term Financial Plan and Asset Management Plans.

Our Annual Business Plan outlines Council’s priorities and program of work for the next 12 months. It allocates funding for key projects and services and shows what you will receive for your rates.

Annual Business Plan 2024 - 2025

Previous Annual Business Plans

The Annual Report

The Annual report shows how we have progressed toward our key objectives and how we are working towards achieving the Community Vision.

Previous Annual Reports

Quality of Life - Survey Reports

Fees and charges

Section 188 of the Local Government Act 1999 provides that Council may impose fees and charges by resolution.

Council is required to review the fees and charges annually.