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Grants, Donations and Sponsorship

Grants, Donations and Sponsorship

Our Community Donations Program supports non-profit organisations, local community, schools and individuals working towards a cause that benefits our community. Funding is awarded to initiatives that positively contribute to the city's community and cultural life.

Learn about the funding grants we offer, including eligibility and how to apply.

Grant Opportunities

Submissions for 2024 - 2025 are now open.

Community Chest Donations are small 'one-off' payments to assist individuals and organisations within the council area with community development initiatives that benefit our community. These donations are available year-round and focus on providing one-off grants of up to $1000. These initiatives may include but are not limited to:

  • Small community events aimed at fostering community engagement and connection.
  • Projects focused on enhancing community facilities or public spaces for the benefit of residents.
  • Programs that promote social inclusion, cultural diversity, or environmental sustainability within the community.
  • Initiatives aimed at improving community members' wellbeing or quality of life, such as educational workshops, health promotion activities, or support services.

These donations aim to empower residents and organisations to initiate positive change and contribute to the community's overall wellbeing.

To apply, please submit an online application via SmartyGrants that outlines the following criteria:

  • The particulars of your community development initiative.
  • The amount you are requesting and the total cost of the program.
  • Your contribution (financial and in-kind).
  • Expected outcomes of your program or project.
  • How you will acknowledge Council's contribution.

Submissions for 2024 - 2025 are now open.

The Youth Achievement Sponsorship Program recognises and encourages the achievements of young people in the community. We provide sponsorship for young people 21 years and under, representing their sport or cultural activity at state and/or national levels.

To be eligible for sponsorship, applicants need to:

  • Be a resident of the City of Holdfast Bay
  • Be aged 21 or under at the time of the competition
  • Be representing South Australia or Australia
  • Be able to provide a letter/email of selection from the peak body or the association running the event.
  • Have not received sponsorship from Council in the current financial year unless the competition results in selection at a higher level e.g. State to National representation.

Applications will be accepted throughout the year but are subject to budgetary limitations and available funds. Once the budget allocation has been exhausted, applications will close for the remainder of that financial year.

To apply for Youth Achievement Sponsorship funding, please visit our online SmartyGrants portal to complete your application.

Events and festivals grants for 2024-25 are now fully subscribed and we are no longer taking applications.

Submissions for Arts and Cultural Grants are still available in 2024-2025.

The Events, Festivals, Arts and Cultural Grants program aims to support local community events and festivals and provide opportunities for not-for-profit organisations, groups, collectives, and individuals to deliver innovative events, festivals, creative arts and cultural activities or works of art in the public realm.

This program aims to represent various activities that contribute to public spaces and/or promote cultural vitality, creativity, and connection within the city. The program also supports activations and innovations, encouraging participation by people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds.

How Much Can You Apply For?

Applicants may apply for up to $3,000 per event, festival, art or cultural project.

Matched or additional funding towards the project will be considered favourably but not essential.

Assessment Criteria

  • Alignment to City of Holdfast Bay Our Holdfast 2050+ strategic plan
  • Strengthening a sense of community belonging and pride
  • Enhancing community participation
  • Contribute to the vibrancy of the public realm
  • Celebrate creative expression and strengthen community connections
  • Fostering social and cultural diversity
  • Stimulating the local economy and promoting the Holdfast Bay council region as a tourism destination
  • Minimal environmental impact as well as minimal adverse impact on residents.

To find out more or apply for Events, Festivals, Arts, and cultural funding, please visit our online SmartyGrants portal, review the information, and complete your application.

Grant applications will open on 2 June 2025 and close on 25 June 2025.

Greening Our Community grants will fund 50% of your total project cost, up to a maximum of $5,000. These are available to community groups and schools to undertake environmentally themed projects that involve one or more of the following:

  • native flora, fauna and fungi
  • water conservation
  • energy reduction or renewable energy
  • waste reduction
  • sustainable transport
  • nature and sustainable living education

Greening Community Grants Guidelines (PDF)

  • Be located in the City of Holdfast Bay
  • Be a community-based not-for-profit organisation or school
  • Be established as a legally constituted incorporated organisation with an ABN
  • Have permission from the land owner to conduct the project
  • Have a project that involves at least one of the above six environmental themes
  • Have the means available to provide funds to match the amount of grant money applied for
  • Have the means to complete the project and related administration work by the required date
  • Provide proof of public liability insurance cover

What are the Eligibility Criteria?

Schools and community groups.

Please apply for the Greening Our Community grant using the Smarty Grant link below

The Heritage Fund Grants Scheme assists the owners of Local Heritage Places with conservation works.

The purpose of the Recreation and Wellbeing Donations program is to strengthen the community by supporting ‘not-for-profit' organisations, community groups, and sporting groups, to make positive contributions to the community and enhance the vibrancy of the city.

The program aims to support organisations and clubs to increase opportunities for participating in physical activity, healthy eating, and general community wellbeing initiatives that support the City of Holdfast Bay's Our Holdfast 2050+ Strategic Plan.

How Much Can You Apply For?

You may apply for a donation of up to 50% of the project cost to a maximum of $5,000 (plus GST where applicable) in the areas of:

  • physical activity
  • healthy eating and nutrition
  • mental health
  • sport and recreation
  • youth
  • social inclusion

    *Please note that funding is limited and subject to the availability of funds within the broader Community Grants budget, which supports multiple grant programs.

What are the Eligibility Criteria?

  • Your club/organisation must be a not-for-profit group, community group, or voluntary association located within the City of Holdfast Bay or whose service area covers the City of Holdfast Bay.
  • Your club/organisation must be established as a legally constituted incorporated organisation or be auspiced by an incorporated organisation that will receive the payment and be legally responsible for administering the donation.
  • Your club/organisation must have an Australian Business Number (ABN) or be prepared to fill out a ‘Statement by a Supplier’ declaration form from the Australian Taxation Office.
  • Your club/organisation must show that the project has an identified benefit to the wider community and must be located within the council area.
  • Schools and Early Learning Centres are eligible to apply if the initiative has an identified benefit to the wider community outside of the school environment and is accessible by the wider community.
  • Your club/organisation must demonstrate how the project aligns with the City of Holdfast Bay's 2050+ Strategic Plan.

Ineligible Projects:

  • Programs, projects, or activities that have already commenced.
  • Club/organisations with outstanding Financial Project Reports from previous grant funding.
  • Projects will take place outside the City of Holdfast Bay council boundary.
  • Fundraising or sponsorship.
  • Salaries or wages (professional services related to the project are acceptable).
  • Interstate or overseas travel.
  • Education fees or conference costs.
  • Political purposes or lobby groups.
  • Minor ongoing equipment purchases. Equipment purchases included must be for new initiatives that will increase membership and/or benefit the wider community.
  • Ongoing expenses include stationery, postage, and supplies.
  • Maintenance, repairs, or building changes that will be permanently part of the structure.
  • A purpose where core funding rests with the state or federal government.

Smart Grants application

The online SmartyGrants application tool allows users to work on their applications progressively and securely.

If you experience any technical issues when completing your application please contact SmartyGrants on 03 9320 6888.

Sponsorship Proposals

Council seeks and provides sponsorship to support activities, programs or events that align with strategic and community objectives. Sponsorship proposals are considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on the nature of the activity and the proposed sponsorship amount. Please ensure your proposed activity aligns with our sponsorship policy before submitting a proposal.

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