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We are committed to providing the best value to the community while ensuring fairness, transparency, and accountability when purchasing goods and services or disposing of property or other assets.
We do this by ensuring:
- Best value for money;
- Conducting purchases in accordance with transparent, accountable, fair, and ethical standards;
- Social responsibility encouraging Aboriginal businesses to quote and tender; and businesses that support social enterprise and/or contribute substantially to social justice, access and inclusion, and equal employment opportunities;
- Environmental sustainability where suppliers are environmentally responsible, contribute to conserving natural resources, encourage waste minimisation and recycling, include recycled content and contribute to minimising Council's carbon emissions;
- Supporting local economic development through buying locally and encouraging local businesses to quote and tender;
- Suppliers are compliant with Work Health and Safety legislation and
- Purchases are fit for purpose, meeting service or functional requirements of users, suitable standards in materials and build quality, and are available on time and within budget.
Suppliers that conduct business with the City of Holdfast Bay do so in accordance with Council’s general Terms and Conditions referenced on all purchase orders issued by the City of Holdfast Bay or contract terms entered into.
WHS Contractor Induction Handbook
Unsolicited Proposals
For unsolicited proposals that a proponent wishes to submit to the Council, consideration must be given to Council’s Unsolicited Proposals Policy and application form below.
Tenders are advertised on the SA Tenders and Contracts website.
Tenders can be lodged electronically on the SA Tenders and Contracts website.
Please note:
- No lodgement of tenders will be accepted via email or facsimile.
- Late or non-conforming tenders will not be considered.