Our Sites YourHoldfast Alwyndor Jetty Road, Glenelg Partridge House Council About Council Meetings Annual Business Plan, and Annual Reports Careers Council Committees Community Engagement Council's Role Elected Members and Wards Meetings and Minutes News Our People Policies, Registers and By-laws Rates, Fees & Charges Strategy and Plans Business Business Assist Business Connect Business Directory Green Business Awards Holdfast Bay Economic Profile Invest Holdfast Permits and Applications Procurements and Tenders Supplier Information Services Cemeteries and Memorials Community Bus Dogs & Cats Dry Areas - alcohol free zones Emergency Management Environment Graffiti Management Green Living Rebates Health Services Justice of the Peace Online Services Planning and Building Planning an Event Traffic and Transport Stormwater Management Plan Maps Waste and Recycling Libraries Access the Library Catalogue Computers & Printing eLibrary Library Opening Hours Library Feedback Programs and Events Purchase Request Form Community and Recreation Ageing Well Citizenship Ceremonies Community Centres Community Directory Community Gardens Emergency Support Grants, Donations and Sponsorship Recreation & Sport Street Meets Volunteering Young People Wellbeing Hub Discover Aboriginal Culture & Heritage Accommodation Art Bay Discovery Centre Getting Here History Kid's Stuff Playgrounds, Parks and Beaches Places to Visit Public Facilities Walking & Bike Trails What's On
Our Sites YourHoldfast Alwyndor Jetty Road, Glenelg Partridge House Council About Council Meetings Annual Business Plan, and Annual Reports Careers Council Committees Community Engagement Council's Role Elected Members and Wards Meetings and Minutes News Our People Policies, Registers and By-laws Rates, Fees & Charges Strategy and Plans Business Business Assist Business Connect Business Directory Green Business Awards Holdfast Bay Economic Profile Invest Holdfast Permits and Applications Procurements and Tenders Supplier Information Services Cemeteries and Memorials Community Bus Dogs & Cats Dry Areas - alcohol free zones Emergency Management Environment Graffiti Management Green Living Rebates Health Services Justice of the Peace Online Services Planning and Building Planning an Event Traffic and Transport Stormwater Management Plan Maps Waste and Recycling Libraries Access the Library Catalogue Computers & Printing eLibrary Library Opening Hours Library Feedback Programs and Events Purchase Request Form Community and Recreation Ageing Well Citizenship Ceremonies Community Centres Community Directory Community Gardens Emergency Support Grants, Donations and Sponsorship Recreation & Sport Street Meets Volunteering Young People Wellbeing Hub Discover Aboriginal Culture & Heritage Accommodation Art Bay Discovery Centre Getting Here History Kid's Stuff Playgrounds, Parks and Beaches Places to Visit Public Facilities Walking & Bike Trails What's On
About Council Meetings Annual Business Plan, and Annual Reports Careers Council Committees Community Engagement Council's Role Elected Members and Wards Meetings and Minutes News Our People Policies, Registers and By-laws Rates, Fees & Charges Strategy and Plans
Business Assist Business Connect Business Directory Green Business Awards Holdfast Bay Economic Profile Invest Holdfast Permits and Applications Procurements and Tenders Supplier Information
Cemeteries and Memorials Community Bus Dogs & Cats Dry Areas - alcohol free zones Emergency Management Environment Graffiti Management Green Living Rebates Health Services Justice of the Peace Online Services Planning and Building Planning an Event Traffic and Transport Stormwater Management Plan Maps Waste and Recycling
Access the Library Catalogue Computers & Printing eLibrary Library Opening Hours Library Feedback Programs and Events Purchase Request Form
Ageing Well Citizenship Ceremonies Community Centres Community Directory Community Gardens Emergency Support Grants, Donations and Sponsorship Recreation & Sport Street Meets Volunteering Young People Wellbeing Hub
Aboriginal Culture & Heritage Accommodation Art Bay Discovery Centre Getting Here History Kid's Stuff Playgrounds, Parks and Beaches Places to Visit Public Facilities Walking & Bike Trails What's On
Homepage Business Current: Business Directory Close to All Suburbs Brighton Glenelg Glenelg East Glenelg North Glenelg South Hove Kingston Park North Brighton Seacliff Seacliff Park Somerton Park South Brighton Search Accommodation Automotive Community Services Education Financial Services Food & Beverages Government Personal Services Manufacturing & Agriculture Media & Communication Health Services Pets Professional Services Religion Retail Arts & Recreation Construction and Trades Travel, Transport & Postal Services Utilities Hiring & Real Estate Services Filter View as List View as Map 1 18 Street Hotpot Glenelg 2 2B Altered 3 4ever Massage 4 5 Star Outdoors 5 9 on Nile Cafe 6 A Cafe Etc 7 A to Z Conveyancing 8 Aberfoyle Park PC Repairs 9 Able Clinic 10 About Face Clinic 11 Acaill Accommodation 12 Ace Hair and Beauty 13 Adelaide Artist Glass 14 Adelaide Blinds & Security 15 Adelaide Cabling Services Pty Ltd 16 Adelaide Exchange Jeweller 17 Adelaide InStyle 18 Adelaide International Motel 19 Adelaide Laundry & Linen Services 20 Adelaide Naturopathic 21 Adelaide OHS 22 Adelaide Resume Writer 23 Adelaide Scuba 24 Adelaide Solar Safe 25 Adelaide Spanish School Pty Ltd 26 Adelaide Trimmings 27 Adelaide Wire and Fabrication 28 Advanced Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery 29 Agency Avenue Schinellas 30 Aleenta Barre 31 Alimentary Eatery 32 All Aluminium Fabrication 33 All Saints Anglican Church 34 Allan Carter Cabinetmaking 35 Allan Real Estate 36 Allison Kane Consultant 37 Always Printing 38 Amazing Beauty & Chinese Massage 39 Amplifon 40 AMW Business Growth 41 Andrawos Automotive 42 Andrew Sammut Enterprises 43 Angel Nail Spa & Beauty 44 Annette Perryman Marriage Celebrant Adelaide 45 Anxiety Mentor Psychotherapy & Counselling Services 46 Anytime Fitness 47 Anytime Fitness 48 Anz Banking Group Limited 49 APS Built 50 Aqua Living 51 Aquila Electrical 52 Aria Digital Screens 53 Aria Hair Studio 54 Array Creative Photography 55 Ascot Welding 56 Ashleigh Greaves Social 57 Asian Flavour House 58 Aspire Hair Salon 59 Aspire Physiotherapy 60 At The Toss Of A Coin 61 Atlantic Tower Motor Inn 62 Attitudes Boutique 63 Australia Post 64 Australian Fish And Chips Shop 65 Australian Radiology Clinics 66 Auto Masters 67 Auto Spirit 68 Avida Creative 69 Back In Motion 70 Baker Solutions Group Services Pty Ltd 71 Bakers Delight - Brighton Central 72 Bakers Delight - Glenelg 73 Balanced Health Naturally 74 Ballet Wine Bar 75 Banjo's Bakery Cafe 76 Bank SA 77 Barb's Sew & Knits 78 Bay Chambers Physiotherapy & Sports Injury 79 Bay Dermatology 80 Bay Discovery Centre 81 Bay Family Dental 82 Bay Fish Shop 83 Bay Hotel Motel 84 Bay Junction Florist 85 Bay Newsagency & Cards Centre 86 Bayside Chiropractic Clinic 87 Bayside Family Medical & Musculoskeletal Practice Pty Ltd 88 Bayside Pharmacy Practice 89 Bayside Physio & Pilates 90 Bayswaterfront Apartments 91 Bayview Apartments 92 Beach Bum Kiosk 93 Beach Burrito Company 94 Beach Pit Brighton 95 Beachouse Glenelg 96 Beachside Physiotherapy 97 Beaute Australia 98 Beauty Bar 99 Becks Bakehouse 100 Beer Wine Spirits 101 Beer Wine Spirits (BWS) 102 Belle Property Glenelg 103 Bendigo Bank Ltd 104 Bennett Legal 105 Benny's American Burger 106 Benson Radiology 107 Bespoke Facial & Body Clinic 108 Betta Blinds 109 Betty's Burgers 110 Beven Youngs Automotive, Motorcycle, Books and Software 111 Big Shots Cafe and Bar 112 Bijou Spa 113 Bike Society Brighton 114 Binks Marine 115 Bizzi Beez Brighton 116 Blackfish Financial Planning Pty Ltd 117 Blackwell Funerals 118 Blazae Fashion Emporium 119 Bliss Beauty And Float 120 Blooms the Chemist Glenelg 121 Blue Illusion 122 Bluebird Bakery 123 Bluize (Vic) Pty Ltd 124 Body Fit Training 125 Bomdia Bowls Acai Bar 126 Bonnie and Clyde Creative 127 Boost Juice 128 Booth Advisory 129 Bottega Gelateria 130 BR Construction Supplies Pty. Ltd. 131 Bradshaw Property Management 132 BrandRecipe 133 Brian Rooney Auto Services 134 Bridgestone Select Glenelg 135 Brighton & Seacliff Yacht Club 136 Brighton Aged Care Facility 137 Brighton Barber Shop 138 Brighton Beachfront Holiday Park 139 Brighton Beauty and Medi Spa 140 Brighton Chinese Natural Therapy 141 Brighton City Meats 142 Brighton Croquet Club Inc. 143 Brighton Day Surgery 144 Brighton Dental Care Pty Ltd 145 Brighton Dialysis Centre 146 Brighton Florist 147 Brighton Food & Wine 148 Brighton Fresh Seafood 149 Brighton Handyman Services SA 150 Brighton Health Matters 151 Brighton Irrigation 152 Brighton Jetty Bakery 153 Brighton Medical Centre (Sa) 154 Brighton Metro Hotel (Charlies Diner) 155 Brighton Neighbourhood Wash 156 Brighton Over 50'S Social Club Incorporated 157 Brighton Performing Arts Centre 158 Brighton Physiotherapy Clinic Pty. Ltd. 159 Brighton Primary School 160 Brighton Road Podiatry Clinic 161 Brighton Secondary School 162 Brighton Shoe Centre 163 Brighton Sports & Social Club 164 Brighton Surf Life Saving Club 165 Brighton Tackle & Bait 166 Brighton Trophy Centre 167 Brighton Veterinary Hospital 168 Broadway Florist 169 Broadway Furniture 170 Broadway Hotel 171 Broadway Kiosk 172 Broadway Meat Store 173 Brow Threads & Lashes 174 Browns Garage (Brighton Tyrepower) 175 Buffalo Motor Inn 176 Bullet Club 177 Burganomix 178 Byerlee Design 179 Byre Chemicals 180 C.R.E.A.M 181 Cakeboy Donuts 182 Cameron Technologies 183 Capriccio Restaurant 184 CarChem Products Pty Ltd 185 Cartridge World 186 Caruso's Fresh Foods 187 Casa Bambini Seacliff 188 Cash Car Monster 189 Cavalier Antiques & Restorations 190 CD Commercial Painters Pty Ltd (Cameron Davidson) 191 Cellarbrations Food And Fine Wine 192 Centrelink 193 Century 21 194 Century 21 Bayside Brighton 195 Century 21 Bayside Rentals 196 Chalkers 8 Ball Centre 197 Chaps Barbershop 198 Charminar 199 Chatime 200 Cheap As Chips 201 Chemist King Discount Pharmacy 202 Chemist Warehouse Glenelg 203 Cherry Computers 204 Chick N Chips 205 Churchills Butchery 206 Cibo Espresso 207 Claire Brooks - Art - Design - Jewellery 208 Clarke Body Repairs 209 Clear Skincare 210 Club Holdfast 211 Coast Yoga 212 Coastal Collection Hairdressing (Hair By Grace) 213 Coastlands 214 Coco House Cafe 215 Coco Nails 216 Coffeetime Co 217 Cold Rock Glenelg 218 Coles Supermarket 219 Comfort Inn Anzac Highway 220 Comfort Inn Haven Marina 221 Commonwealth Bank 222 Complete Vaping 223 Copyfax Stationers Glenelg 224 Core Physiotherapy & Pilates Studio Marion 225 Cote Collective 226 Cotton On 227 Cove Print 228 Creative Handyman Solutions 229 Creativity Kit 230 Crispy Bite Pizza Bar 231 Crust Brighton 232 Crystal Healing Sanctuary 233 Cue Power Billiards 234 Cut Snake Barbershop 235 Cutloose Hair Salon 236 CVC Clear Vision Consulting 237 Dad And Jerry's Mower Mart 238 Daisy & Hen 239 Dante's Deli 240 De-Stress and be happy 241 Deep Forest 242 Deja Vu Hair Stylists 243 Denim & Cloth 244 Dental Care Professionals Pty Ltd 245 Design Works Advertising 246 Designer Dentures 247 Dicraft 248 Dine Catering 249 Dogs on Broadway 250 Domenic's Auto Service Pty Ltd 251 Domino's Pizza Glenelg 252 Dominos Pizza Hove 253 Donaghey Surveyors Pty Ltd 254 Donnell Financial Solutions 255 Dot Chocolate 256 Doughballs The Pizza Place 257 Douglas Hoskins Legal 258 Drescott Uniforms 259 Drill Quip Pty Ltd 260 Driveline 261 Dulwich Bakery 262 Durham Serviced Apartments 263 Duthy Homes 264 Dymocks Booksellers 265 Ebisu Sushi 266 Eblen Motors Collision Repairs 267 Eblen Subaru 268 EC Fitness Training 269 Echelon Studio 270 Eco Vantage 271 Ectoplasm Vertical Gardens 272 EFM Health Club 273 El Mexicano Glenelg 274 Elatte 275 Elders Insurance Glenelg 276 Elders Real Estate Brighton 277 Elders Real Estate Glenelg 278 Elec Mech Services (Sa) Pty Ltd 279 Electric Bikes Superstore 280 Elegance At The Bay 281 Elite Finish 282 Elite Rentals 283 Ellenika Taverna 284 Emali Early Learning Centre 285 Embellish Beauty Therapy 286 Embroidery SA 287 EME Eastside Mustang Enhancement 288 Emery Property Services 289 Endota Spa 290 Ensenada Motor Inn 291 Enuf Burger Bar 292 EPC Tech Pty 293 Equinox Clothing 294 Esplanade Hotel 295 Essence Of Health 296 Eugenia Neave - Shoemaker 297 Euro Auto Repairs 298 Europa At The Bay 299 Eva & Paige Emporium 300 Evan Haines Hypnotherapy 301 Event Cinemas 302 Exclusive Hair 303 Exhaust Dynamics 304 Extreme Boardriders 305 EzyMart 306 Ezystop Convenience 307 F45 Training 308 Fair Fish 309 Fairway Flowers 310 Farrell & O'Neill Funerals 311 Fassina Liquor Merchants 312 Fasta Pasta 313 Feed 314 Fella Hamilton 315 FH Trevelion Funeral Directors 316 Filterite 317 Finch Constructions Pty Ltd 318 Finesse Built 319 First Choice Plan Management 320 Fishbone Café 321 Fisher Legal Services 322 Fitness Faster 323 Fleurieu Bites 324 Flight Centre Glenelg 325 Folland Panozzo Architects Pty Ltd 326 Foodland - Seacliff Park 327 Foodland Brighton 328 Foodland Hove 329 Foot & Leg Centre 330 Footprint Podiatry 331 Force Electronics 332 Form Pilates And Barre 333 Fourth 334 Frankie Hair And Beauty 335 Fuel Centre 336 Fun For Kidz Creations Pty Ltd 337 Fusion Dancewear 338 Gary J Smith Real Estate 339 Gate to Garnish 340 Gather & Grounds Cafe 341 Gatsby's Hairworks & Beauty 342 Gau's Banh Mi 343 Gelatissimo 344 Get in 2 the Moose 345 Ghanda 346 Giant Glenelg 347 Gibson & Partners 348 Glamour Me 349 Glenelg Air 350 Glenelg Allied Health Clinic 351 Glenelg Art Gallery 352 Glenelg Bbq Inn 353 Glenelg Beachside Apartments 354 Glenelg BMW 355 Glenelg Day Surgery 356 Glenelg Dental Centre 357 Glenelg Finance 358 Glenelg Funerals Pty Ltd 359 Glenelg Gateway Apartments 360 Glenelg Glass 361 Glenelg Health & Wholefoods 362 Glenelg Health Care 363 Glenelg Holiday Apartments 364 Glenelg Holiday Apartments 365 Glenelg Kebab Yiros House 366 Glenelg Laundry 367 Glenelg Mobiles 368 Glenelg Motel 369 Glenelg Pizza House 370 Glenelg Podiatry Clinic 371 Glenelg Sea-Breeze B & B 372 Glenelg Self Storage 373 Glenelg South Medical Centre 374 Glenelg Sports Medicine 375 Glenelg Surf Life Saving Club 376 Glenelg Thai Massage 377 Glenelg Veterinary Clinic 378 Glenelg Visitor Information Outlet 379 Gloria Jeans Glenelg 380 Goggleman Pty Ltd 381 Good Day Cafe 382 Good Physio (Glenelg) 383 Goodslice Pizza Natural 384 Goodstart Early Learning Centre 385 Gorilla Pizza 386 Gourmet Green Grocer 387 Grace's Gallery and Gifts 388 Grand Newsagency 389 Grandview House and Apartments 390 Gray Advertising Pty Ltd 391 Green Tea House 392 Grounded Connection Counselling 393 Grounded Connection Home & Garden Maintenance 394 Grow 395 Grundy's Shoe Store 396 Gypsy Trips 397 H&A Coffee House 398 Haighs Chocolates 399 Hair & F.A.R. Salon 400 Hair Design by Classique 401 Hair Machine Glenelg 402 Hair Studio 487 403 Haku Massage 404 Hall And Baum Plumbing Services Pty. Ltd. 405 Hamilton Holden 406 Happiness Matters Counselling 407 Happy Oasis 408 Harcourts Brighton 409 Harcourts Packham Glenelg 410 Harcourts Packham Property 411 Harley Eye Clinic 412 Harris Real Estate 413 Hartshorne Landscaping 414 Hatch Design 415 Have You Met Charlie 416 Hbs Chartered Accountants 417 Heading Forward Financial Planning 418 Heal Focus Podiatry 419 Healthful Wellness 420 Healthscope Pathology 421 Healthy Life Glenelg 422 Heeb Hair 423 Hello Harry 424 Hello World South Brighton 425 Her on Partridge 426 Heritage Building Group 427 Heritage Electrical 428 Hero Thai Massage 429 Hey Bianca Pizza 430 High Quality Car Sales 431 Holdfast Auto 432 Holdfast Baptist Church 433 Holdfast Bay Musculoskeletal Centre 434 Holdfast Bay Optometry 435 Holdfast Conveyancers 436 Holdfast Hotel (The Holdy) 437 Holdfast Medical Centre 438 Holdfast Painting 439 Holdfast Pilates 440 Homebasics Kitchen + Tableware 441 HomeCaring Glenelg 442 Hooked On Chicken And Grill 443 Hove Car Sales Pty Ltd 444 Hove Crash Repairs Pty. Ltd. 445 Hove Dental 446 Hove Health 447 Hove Paint And Panel 448 Hughes Auto Wholesaler 449 Hungry Jacks 450 Ian Thomas & Co 451 Ian's Shoes 452 ICM Construction 453 IGA Somerton Park 454 ihear 455 Il Kafe 456 Impact Nutrition Glenelg 457 Import Factory Tyres SA 458 In Thais Cafe & Noodle Bar 459 INC Cafe 460 Indian Flavours 461 Indian Spice Authentic Cuisine 462 Indochine 463 Infraslimx 464 InkedIn Beauty 465 Innovation Engineering Pty Ltd 466 Inspiration Homes Sa Pty Ltd 467 Inspired Cuts On Hove Pty Ltd 468 Integrity New Homes 469 Irene Davide 470 Iron Maiden 471 Isaacs Auto Electrical 472 Its a secret hair and beauty 473 Jackson's Auto Repairs 474 Jai Thai Massage 475 Jam Hairdesign 476 James Classic Upholstery 477 James Ramsey Manufacturing Jeweller 478 Jetty Babes 479 Jetty Flowers 480 Jetty Road Dental Clinic 481 Jetty Road Shoe Repairs 482 Jetty Road Tattoo Studio 483 Jigsaw Marketing Solutions 484 Jillian Carroll Hair Consultant 485 JJ's Hair Design 486 Job Prospects 487 John M. Roberts Manufacturing Jewellers 488 John Nicholls Barber 489 Juniper And Pine 490 Junipers on the Marina 491 Just Dog Food 492 Just Gorgeous Glenelg 493 K & B Mitre 10 494 Karelea Interiors 495 Karl Chehade Dry Cleaning 496 Kathmandu 497 Kathryn Mccann Real Estate 498 Kauri Community and Sports Centre 499 Kaye Automotive 500 Kaz Hair 501 Kewco Products Pty. Ltd. 502 KFC 503 Kid Sense 504 Kidstuff 505 Kin Lawyers Pty Ltd 506 Kingston Family Clinic 507 Kingston House 508 Kool 4 Kats 509 Krush Hair and Beauty 510 KX Pilates 511 Kylie Brown's Newsagent 512 L.J. Hooker Brighton 513 L.J. Hooker Glenelg 514 Laser Hair Removal At The Bay 515 Lazy Cafe 516 Le Paris Plage 517 Le's Bakery & Vietnamese 518 Leather and Ugg Boot Hut 519 Life and Co 520 Lifestyle Kitchens 521 Lights Landing Apartments 522 Lila Rose 523 Lim's Chinese Restaurant 524 Lippy and More 525 Lisa's Rolls King 526 Little China Palace 527 Little Eatery Glenelg 528 Little Picassos 529 Loan Market 530 Local Kitchen Co 531 Lord Of The Fries 532 Lotus Brows & Lashes 533 Lotus Gifts Design Lifestyle 534 Loud Cow Bar & Grill 535 LPZmethod 536 Luciano's On The Marina 537 Lucky Vietnamese Cuisine 538 Lucky Vietnamese Rolls 539 Lulu & Lo 540 Lumiere Collective 541 Lustosa Marketing 542 Luxe Style Co 543 Madec Recruitment 544 Magain Real Estate 545 Magryn & Associates Pty Ltd 546 Maison Jacquet 547 Makis Yiros Shack Cafe 548 Mamma Carmela Cafe Pizzeria 549 Manhattan Haircutters 550 Marcellina's 551 Marian Pier Nail Bar and Beauty 552 Marina Pier 553 Marina Sunset Bar 554 Marion Tile Centre 555 Mary BBQ 556 Massage on Partridge 557 Massey Espresso Cucina Dolce 558 Mawson Medical Centre 559 Max Pritchard Gunner Architects Pty Ltd 560 Maxitech 561 McCammon Real Estate 562 Mckibbin Real Estate 563 Mclaren Dental Pty Ltd 564 Mcmahon Des Automotive 565 MD Bodycare Massage 566 Meals on Wheels 567 Medimart 568 MediPedi Foot & Hand Clinic 569 Mediterranean Cafe Ristorante 570 Megs Miscellaneous 571 Merlin Auto Repairs 572 Metri-Tek Pty Ltd 573 Metro Air Conditioning Pty Ltd 574 Middy's Data and Electrical 575 Mimi Nail Salon 576 Mind Strategy Psychological Focussed Counselling 577 Mio Gelato 578 Miss 5048 Cafe 579 Miss Banh Mi 580 Miss Mae House of Hair 581 Mister Barber SA 582 Mitre 10 Brighton 583 MJP Studio 584 Mockingbird Lounge 585 Mollymawk 586 Moments Studio 587 Money Options 588 Moorish Bites 589 Mortgage Choice 590 Moseley Bar & Kitchen 591 Motor Hut 592 Motor Radiator Services 593 Movement and Wellbeing Centre 594 Mr B's Studio 595 Mr Foot Dr Podiatrists 596 Mr Potato 597 Multiglazed 598 Muscle Worx 599 Music Eternal 600 Naked by the Sea 601 Natcha Thai Massage 602 National Australia Bank 603 National Pharmacies 604 National Pharmacies 605 National Pharmacies Optical 606 NB Kitchens 607 Neon Moose 608 Nest Kiosk 609 Nijumaru Japanese Restaurant 610 Ninja Sushi And Noodle Bar 611 Noodle Box Glenelg 612 Norfolk Motor Inn 613 North Indian Cuisine 614 Nutrients Matter 615 NX Newspapers & Magazines 616 O'Brien Wealth Management 617 Oakberry Acai Glenelg 618 Oaks Liberty Towers 619 Oaks Plaza Pier 620 Oasis Beauty 621 On Balance Accounting Solutions 622 Ooh La La Beauty Boutique 623 OPSM 624 Orange Spot Bakery 625 Pa Tea 626 Pacific HVAC Engineering 627 PALAZZO Boutique 628 Parlour Hair Glenelg 629 Partridge House 630 PartridgeGP 631 Party Shop 24/7 632 Pastagogo 633 Paul Munns Instant Lawn 634 PC Automotive Pty Ltd 635 Pear Tree Family Practice 636 Pedro's Pizza 637 People’s Choice Credit Union 638 Performance Podiatry 639 Peter Cronin Hove Pharmacy 640 Peter F. Burns Real Estate Pty Ltd 641 Peter Fisher Lawyers 642 Peter Shearers Menswear 643 Pets on Wheels 644 PFM Physio 645 PH Balance & Wellness 646 Phantom Screens Australia 647 Pharmacy 390 Brighton 648 Phil Hoffmann Travel 649 Phone Express 650 PhoneFix 651 Photography by Carly 652 Phuket Thai Restaurant 653 Physio Action SA 654 Physio One 655 Physio One 656 Physio Solutions SA 657 Pier Chic 658 Pier Glenelg 659 Pirate Cat Cafe 660 Pivotal Dance 661 Pizza On Broadway 662 Plaster Fun House 663 Plus Fitness 24/7 664 PLY 665 PMR Financial 666 Police Station 667 Pool Patrol 668 Pool Werx 669 Power Living Glenelg 670 PR Electrical 671 Precise Crash Repairs 672 Prenee Thai Restaurant 673 Priceline Pharmacy 674 Promenade Restaurant 675 Pump Technology Services SA 676 Quality Motor Trimming & Upholstery 677 R W Morgan Conveyancers 678 Rapid Kitchens Pty Ltd 679 Raven Hair & Beauty Studio 680 Rawtec Pty Ltd 681 Ray White Glenelg 682 Ray White Marion & Brighton 683 Real Serve 684 Recycling SA 685 Red Tomato Design 686 Redback Banh Mi & Coffee 687 Repco 688 Resinite Group 689 Ressleep Brighton 690 Restyle Sanctuary 691 Rod Webb Auto Electrical Pty. Ltd. 692 Rodney Clark 693 Rodney Rea Real Estate 694 Romeo's Foodland Glenelg South 695 Rosa Mexicano Glenelg 696 Rose Street Clinic 697 Royal Car Wash Brighton 698 Royal Copenhagen Brighton 699 RSPCA Op Shop Brighton 700 RSPCA Op Shop Glenelg 701 Rubble Workshop 702 Ruby Rouge Boutique 703 Rutter Electrical 704 Ryan Moore - Intuitive body work 705 S & P Graphics Commercial Printers 706 SA Gourmet Meats Glenelg 707 SA Pathology 708 Sabai Cafe 709 Sacred Heart College 710 Sacred Heart College Senior School and Tri Schools Uniform Shop 711 Saigon Oi 712 Sakura Sushi 713 Salt - Show and Lighting Technology 714 Salt Studio 715 Salty Coconut 716 Salty Locs 717 Salvos Glenelg 718 Salvos Stores Brighton 719 Salz Hair and Beauty 720 Sammy's On The Marina 721 Saucy Sweet Cafe 722 Save the Children Australia 723 Scales And Partners 724 Scruffies Pet Food 725 Seacliff Beach Hotel 726 Seacliff Beach Retreat 727 Seacliff Day & Night Pharmacy 728 Seacliff Family Dental Practice 729 Seacliff Friendly Grocer 730 Seacliff Surf Life Saving Club 731 Seafaring Fools 732 Seafire 733 Seaview Chicken and Fish 734 Seelect Educational Supplies Pty Ltd 735 Selling SA Homes Pty Ltd 736 Shaolin Monk Martial Arts 737 Sheridans Accountants & Financial Planners 738 Sherpa Dining 739 Sheshells Restaurant 740 Show and Go Motorcycles 741 Show Off Academy 742 Shutters n Shades 743 Siemax Electrical & Security 744 Signageworld 745 Silk Laser Clinics 746 Simply Natural Massage Therapy 747 Simply Sushi 748 Skin Things Natural Salon 749 Skin4u 750 Slade Fencing 751 Smart Hearing Solutions 752 Smiley Car Wash 753 Smokoz 754 Snipitz Hair by Tracey 755 Somerton Car Sales 756 Somerton Park Car Detailing 757 Somewhere at Moseley 758 Soul City Roasters 759 South Australian Medical Specialists 760 South West Baptist Church 761 Southern Endoscopy Centre 762 Southern Skip Bins 763 Special Size Company 764 Specialist Dermatology Surgery & Laser 765 Spellmans' Social 766 Splashout Art Studios 767 Sports & Spinal Health 768 Sportsgirl 769 Sportspower 770 Spot Paediatrics 771 Spraying By Design 772 St Andrew's Uniting Church 773 St Peter's Woodlands Grammar School 774 Stafford's Warehouse 775 Stamford Grand (Grand Bar) 776 Stamford Grand (Horizons) 777 Stamford Grand Adelaide 778 Stand Up Paddle SA 779 Star Discount Chemist 780 Star Laundromat 781 Steel Plus 782 Stephen Patterson Mp 783 Stepping Stones Hove 784 Steve Jackson Real Estate 785 Stir It Up Catering 786 Studio Pilates International Glenelg 787 Studio Vino Glenelg 788 Sturm's Group 789 Style Hutt 790 Style Media & Co 791 Subway Jetty Road 792 Summertown studio 793 Sunglass Hut 794 Sunny side up cafe 795 Superette 796 Surf Dive n' Ski 797 Susan Nash & Associates 798 Sushi Date Glenelg 799 Susie-Lotta Photography 800 Sussan 801 Sustainable Business Consultants 802 Suzanne Grae 803 Swedish Tarts Glenelg 804 Symphony of Hair 805 Taft Motor Inn 806 Taking Shape 807 Tan Ezy 808 Tandoori Delight 809 Tapleys Charcoal Chickens And Burger House 810 Taplin Real Estate 811 Taste Of The Himalayas 812 Tattoo Asylum 813 TDR Electrical 814 Temptation Sailing 815 Teraterra 816 Terra and Sol 817 Terry White Chemmart 818 Texas Bull Mobile Caterers 819 The 1530 Network 820 The Alchemists Kitchen 821 The Anglican Parish Of Brighton St Judes 822 The Beachouse Function Room 823 The Beauty Room on Broadway 824 The Boxing Room 825 The Bronze Snake 826 The Changing Canvas 827 The Chicken Spot & Pizza Bar 828 The Colley Hotel 829 The Daily Fixx 830 The Dental Studio 831 The Eyebrow Studio 832 The Framer 833 The Garden Cafe. Cafe. Gallery. Events 834 The George Glenelg 835 The Glenelg Club 836 The Goldsmithery 837 The Good Tiger 838 The Great Amazon Aquarium & Pet Outlet 839 The Health Hub Adelaide 840 The Hit Centre 841 The Income Tax Professionals 842 The Ivy Room 843 The Little Boutique 844 The Local Greek 845 The Loft Collaborative 846 The Merchandiser 847 The Old Glenelg Bungalow 848 The Organik Store 849 The Original Montezuma's Glenelg 850 The Ottoman Grill Traditional Turkish Cuisine 851 The Outdoor Scene 852 The Oyster Bar Holdfast Shores 853 The Recovery Hub 854 The Royal Moody Barber 855 The Sanctuary At Hove 856 The Seller Door 857 The Shape Co 858 The Somerton Surf Life Saving Club Bar & Bistro 859 The Source Bulk Foods 860 The Spiritual Assembly Of The Baha'is Of Holdfastbay Incorporated 861 The Storage Shop 862 The Strand Café Restaurant 863 The Three Arches 864 The Wash 865 The Wharf 866 Threefold Distilling 867 Thrive Family Practice 868 Tim Pine Studio 869 Tint Works Marion 870 Titan Performance Group (Triathlon Multisport Lifestyle & Custom Apparel Store) 871 TOB 872 Tomiko Japanese Steakhouse 873 Tony & Co Hairdresser and Barber 874 Top Gearbox and Differential 875 Tradelink 876 Traditional Thai Massage Brighton 877 Travel Associates 878 Travel Managers - Carolyn Denton 879 Trees of Life Wellness Clinic 880 Trevor Hayley - Life Memorial Celebrant 881 Triangle Theory 882 Trio Sign Solutions 883 Tuckers Tennis 884 Tuukii Hair Lounge 885 Twisted Treats 886 Two Greek Boys 887 Tyrepower Brighton 888 Ultra Tune Glenelg 889 Umi Sushi 890 Uncle Doc's 891 Uniqorn Eats 892 Unique One Recycle Boutique 893 Utilities Constructions 894 Utzi Glenelg 895 Vain Haircutters And Colourists 896 Vanilla Vibe 897 Veloce Paninoteca Glenelg 898 Vertice Boutique 899 Verve Group 900 Vientiane Thai-Laos Restaurant 901 Vinnies Brighton 902 Vodafone 903 Waffle King 904 Warwick Conveyancing 905 Water Bay Villa B&B 906 Water Colours on the Marina 907 Watermark Glenelg 908 Waves On Partridge 909 Waxxxed 910 Weslec 911 Western Crash Repairs 912 Westpac Bank 913 Windswept Hair 914 Winter & Co. 915 Wise Automotive & Gas 916 Wiseman Made 917 Wishart Jewellers 918 Wood 'N' Stamp Shopfitting Pty Ltd 919 Woolworths Brighton 920 Woolworths Supermarket 921 Wordsmiths AU 922 Worn Again Op Shop 923 Yellow Brick Road 924 Yo-Chi 925 Your Podiatry 926 Your Way Disability SA 927 Yum Yum Chap Chap 928 Zac Grooming For Men 929 Zambrero 930 Zap 24 Hr Fitness 931 Zink The Element of Hair 932 Ziptrack 933 Zola Zola 934 Zucca Greek Mezze For more information on registering your business or to modify your entry please email business@holdfast.sa.gov.au
1 18 Street Hotpot Glenelg 2 2B Altered 3 4ever Massage 4 5 Star Outdoors 5 9 on Nile Cafe 6 A Cafe Etc 7 A to Z Conveyancing 8 Aberfoyle Park PC Repairs 9 Able Clinic 10 About Face Clinic 11 Acaill Accommodation 12 Ace Hair and Beauty 13 Adelaide Artist Glass 14 Adelaide Blinds & Security 15 Adelaide Cabling Services Pty Ltd 16 Adelaide Exchange Jeweller 17 Adelaide InStyle 18 Adelaide International Motel 19 Adelaide Laundry & Linen Services 20 Adelaide Naturopathic 21 Adelaide OHS 22 Adelaide Resume Writer 23 Adelaide Scuba 24 Adelaide Solar Safe 25 Adelaide Spanish School Pty Ltd 26 Adelaide Trimmings 27 Adelaide Wire and Fabrication 28 Advanced Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery 29 Agency Avenue Schinellas 30 Aleenta Barre 31 Alimentary Eatery 32 All Aluminium Fabrication 33 All Saints Anglican Church 34 Allan Carter Cabinetmaking 35 Allan Real Estate 36 Allison Kane Consultant 37 Always Printing 38 Amazing Beauty & Chinese Massage 39 Amplifon 40 AMW Business Growth 41 Andrawos Automotive 42 Andrew Sammut Enterprises 43 Angel Nail Spa & Beauty 44 Annette Perryman Marriage Celebrant Adelaide 45 Anxiety Mentor Psychotherapy & Counselling Services 46 Anytime Fitness 47 Anytime Fitness 48 Anz Banking Group Limited 49 APS Built 50 Aqua Living 51 Aquila Electrical 52 Aria Digital Screens 53 Aria Hair Studio 54 Array Creative Photography 55 Ascot Welding 56 Ashleigh Greaves Social 57 Asian Flavour House 58 Aspire Hair Salon 59 Aspire Physiotherapy 60 At The Toss Of A Coin 61 Atlantic Tower Motor Inn 62 Attitudes Boutique 63 Australia Post 64 Australian Fish And Chips Shop 65 Australian Radiology Clinics 66 Auto Masters 67 Auto Spirit 68 Avida Creative 69 Back In Motion 70 Baker Solutions Group Services Pty Ltd 71 Bakers Delight - Brighton Central 72 Bakers Delight - Glenelg 73 Balanced Health Naturally 74 Ballet Wine Bar 75 Banjo's Bakery Cafe 76 Bank SA 77 Barb's Sew & Knits 78 Bay Chambers Physiotherapy & Sports Injury 79 Bay Dermatology 80 Bay Discovery Centre 81 Bay Family Dental 82 Bay Fish Shop 83 Bay Hotel Motel 84 Bay Junction Florist 85 Bay Newsagency & Cards Centre 86 Bayside Chiropractic Clinic 87 Bayside Family Medical & Musculoskeletal Practice Pty Ltd 88 Bayside Pharmacy Practice 89 Bayside Physio & Pilates 90 Bayswaterfront Apartments 91 Bayview Apartments 92 Beach Bum Kiosk 93 Beach Burrito Company 94 Beach Pit Brighton 95 Beachouse Glenelg 96 Beachside Physiotherapy 97 Beaute Australia 98 Beauty Bar 99 Becks Bakehouse 100 Beer Wine Spirits 101 Beer Wine Spirits (BWS) 102 Belle Property Glenelg 103 Bendigo Bank Ltd 104 Bennett Legal 105 Benny's American Burger 106 Benson Radiology 107 Bespoke Facial & Body Clinic 108 Betta Blinds 109 Betty's Burgers 110 Beven Youngs Automotive, Motorcycle, Books and Software 111 Big Shots Cafe and Bar 112 Bijou Spa 113 Bike Society Brighton 114 Binks Marine 115 Bizzi Beez Brighton 116 Blackfish Financial Planning Pty Ltd 117 Blackwell Funerals 118 Blazae Fashion Emporium 119 Bliss Beauty And Float 120 Blooms the Chemist Glenelg 121 Blue Illusion 122 Bluebird Bakery 123 Bluize (Vic) Pty Ltd 124 Body Fit Training 125 Bomdia Bowls Acai Bar 126 Bonnie and Clyde Creative 127 Boost Juice 128 Booth Advisory 129 Bottega Gelateria 130 BR Construction Supplies Pty. Ltd. 131 Bradshaw Property Management 132 BrandRecipe 133 Brian Rooney Auto Services 134 Bridgestone Select Glenelg 135 Brighton & Seacliff Yacht Club 136 Brighton Aged Care Facility 137 Brighton Barber Shop 138 Brighton Beachfront Holiday Park 139 Brighton Beauty and Medi Spa 140 Brighton Chinese Natural Therapy 141 Brighton City Meats 142 Brighton Croquet Club Inc. 143 Brighton Day Surgery 144 Brighton Dental Care Pty Ltd 145 Brighton Dialysis Centre 146 Brighton Florist 147 Brighton Food & Wine 148 Brighton Fresh Seafood 149 Brighton Handyman Services SA 150 Brighton Health Matters 151 Brighton Irrigation 152 Brighton Jetty Bakery 153 Brighton Medical Centre (Sa) 154 Brighton Metro Hotel (Charlies Diner) 155 Brighton Neighbourhood Wash 156 Brighton Over 50'S Social Club Incorporated 157 Brighton Performing Arts Centre 158 Brighton Physiotherapy Clinic Pty. Ltd. 159 Brighton Primary School 160 Brighton Road Podiatry Clinic 161 Brighton Secondary School 162 Brighton Shoe Centre 163 Brighton Sports & Social Club 164 Brighton Surf Life Saving Club 165 Brighton Tackle & Bait 166 Brighton Trophy Centre 167 Brighton Veterinary Hospital 168 Broadway Florist 169 Broadway Furniture 170 Broadway Hotel 171 Broadway Kiosk 172 Broadway Meat Store 173 Brow Threads & Lashes 174 Browns Garage (Brighton Tyrepower) 175 Buffalo Motor Inn 176 Bullet Club 177 Burganomix 178 Byerlee Design 179 Byre Chemicals 180 C.R.E.A.M 181 Cakeboy Donuts 182 Cameron Technologies 183 Capriccio Restaurant 184 CarChem Products Pty Ltd 185 Cartridge World 186 Caruso's Fresh Foods 187 Casa Bambini Seacliff 188 Cash Car Monster 189 Cavalier Antiques & Restorations 190 CD Commercial Painters Pty Ltd (Cameron Davidson) 191 Cellarbrations Food And Fine Wine 192 Centrelink 193 Century 21 194 Century 21 Bayside Brighton 195 Century 21 Bayside Rentals 196 Chalkers 8 Ball Centre 197 Chaps Barbershop 198 Charminar 199 Chatime 200 Cheap As Chips 201 Chemist King Discount Pharmacy 202 Chemist Warehouse Glenelg 203 Cherry Computers 204 Chick N Chips 205 Churchills Butchery 206 Cibo Espresso 207 Claire Brooks - Art - Design - Jewellery 208 Clarke Body Repairs 209 Clear Skincare 210 Club Holdfast 211 Coast Yoga 212 Coastal Collection Hairdressing (Hair By Grace) 213 Coastlands 214 Coco House Cafe 215 Coco Nails 216 Coffeetime Co 217 Cold Rock Glenelg 218 Coles Supermarket 219 Comfort Inn Anzac Highway 220 Comfort Inn Haven Marina 221 Commonwealth Bank 222 Complete Vaping 223 Copyfax Stationers Glenelg 224 Core Physiotherapy & Pilates Studio Marion 225 Cote Collective 226 Cotton On 227 Cove Print 228 Creative Handyman Solutions 229 Creativity Kit 230 Crispy Bite Pizza Bar 231 Crust Brighton 232 Crystal Healing Sanctuary 233 Cue Power Billiards 234 Cut Snake Barbershop 235 Cutloose Hair Salon 236 CVC Clear Vision Consulting 237 Dad And Jerry's Mower Mart 238 Daisy & Hen 239 Dante's Deli 240 De-Stress and be happy 241 Deep Forest 242 Deja Vu Hair Stylists 243 Denim & Cloth 244 Dental Care Professionals Pty Ltd 245 Design Works Advertising 246 Designer Dentures 247 Dicraft 248 Dine Catering 249 Dogs on Broadway 250 Domenic's Auto Service Pty Ltd 251 Domino's Pizza Glenelg 252 Dominos Pizza Hove 253 Donaghey Surveyors Pty Ltd 254 Donnell Financial Solutions 255 Dot Chocolate 256 Doughballs The Pizza Place 257 Douglas Hoskins Legal 258 Drescott Uniforms 259 Drill Quip Pty Ltd 260 Driveline 261 Dulwich Bakery 262 Durham Serviced Apartments 263 Duthy Homes 264 Dymocks Booksellers 265 Ebisu Sushi 266 Eblen Motors Collision Repairs 267 Eblen Subaru 268 EC Fitness Training 269 Echelon Studio 270 Eco Vantage 271 Ectoplasm Vertical Gardens 272 EFM Health Club 273 El Mexicano Glenelg 274 Elatte 275 Elders Insurance Glenelg 276 Elders Real Estate Brighton 277 Elders Real Estate Glenelg 278 Elec Mech Services (Sa) Pty Ltd 279 Electric Bikes Superstore 280 Elegance At The Bay 281 Elite Finish 282 Elite Rentals 283 Ellenika Taverna 284 Emali Early Learning Centre 285 Embellish Beauty Therapy 286 Embroidery SA 287 EME Eastside Mustang Enhancement 288 Emery Property Services 289 Endota Spa 290 Ensenada Motor Inn 291 Enuf Burger Bar 292 EPC Tech Pty 293 Equinox Clothing 294 Esplanade Hotel 295 Essence Of Health 296 Eugenia Neave - Shoemaker 297 Euro Auto Repairs 298 Europa At The Bay 299 Eva & Paige Emporium 300 Evan Haines Hypnotherapy 301 Event Cinemas 302 Exclusive Hair 303 Exhaust Dynamics 304 Extreme Boardriders 305 EzyMart 306 Ezystop Convenience 307 F45 Training 308 Fair Fish 309 Fairway Flowers 310 Farrell & O'Neill Funerals 311 Fassina Liquor Merchants 312 Fasta Pasta 313 Feed 314 Fella Hamilton 315 FH Trevelion Funeral Directors 316 Filterite 317 Finch Constructions Pty Ltd 318 Finesse Built 319 First Choice Plan Management 320 Fishbone Café 321 Fisher Legal Services 322 Fitness Faster 323 Fleurieu Bites 324 Flight Centre Glenelg 325 Folland Panozzo Architects Pty Ltd 326 Foodland - Seacliff Park 327 Foodland Brighton 328 Foodland Hove 329 Foot & Leg Centre 330 Footprint Podiatry 331 Force Electronics 332 Form Pilates And Barre 333 Fourth 334 Frankie Hair And Beauty 335 Fuel Centre 336 Fun For Kidz Creations Pty Ltd 337 Fusion Dancewear 338 Gary J Smith Real Estate 339 Gate to Garnish 340 Gather & Grounds Cafe 341 Gatsby's Hairworks & Beauty 342 Gau's Banh Mi 343 Gelatissimo 344 Get in 2 the Moose 345 Ghanda 346 Giant Glenelg 347 Gibson & Partners 348 Glamour Me 349 Glenelg Air 350 Glenelg Allied Health Clinic 351 Glenelg Art Gallery 352 Glenelg Bbq Inn 353 Glenelg Beachside Apartments 354 Glenelg BMW 355 Glenelg Day Surgery 356 Glenelg Dental Centre 357 Glenelg Finance 358 Glenelg Funerals Pty Ltd 359 Glenelg Gateway Apartments 360 Glenelg Glass 361 Glenelg Health & Wholefoods 362 Glenelg Health Care 363 Glenelg Holiday Apartments 364 Glenelg Holiday Apartments 365 Glenelg Kebab Yiros House 366 Glenelg Laundry 367 Glenelg Mobiles 368 Glenelg Motel 369 Glenelg Pizza House 370 Glenelg Podiatry Clinic 371 Glenelg Sea-Breeze B & B 372 Glenelg Self Storage 373 Glenelg South Medical Centre 374 Glenelg Sports Medicine 375 Glenelg Surf Life Saving Club 376 Glenelg Thai Massage 377 Glenelg Veterinary Clinic 378 Glenelg Visitor Information Outlet 379 Gloria Jeans Glenelg 380 Goggleman Pty Ltd 381 Good Day Cafe 382 Good Physio (Glenelg) 383 Goodslice Pizza Natural 384 Goodstart Early Learning Centre 385 Gorilla Pizza 386 Gourmet Green Grocer 387 Grace's Gallery and Gifts 388 Grand Newsagency 389 Grandview House and Apartments 390 Gray Advertising Pty Ltd 391 Green Tea House 392 Grounded Connection Counselling 393 Grounded Connection Home & Garden Maintenance 394 Grow 395 Grundy's Shoe Store 396 Gypsy Trips 397 H&A Coffee House 398 Haighs Chocolates 399 Hair & F.A.R. Salon 400 Hair Design by Classique 401 Hair Machine Glenelg 402 Hair Studio 487 403 Haku Massage 404 Hall And Baum Plumbing Services Pty. Ltd. 405 Hamilton Holden 406 Happiness Matters Counselling 407 Happy Oasis 408 Harcourts Brighton 409 Harcourts Packham Glenelg 410 Harcourts Packham Property 411 Harley Eye Clinic 412 Harris Real Estate 413 Hartshorne Landscaping 414 Hatch Design 415 Have You Met Charlie 416 Hbs Chartered Accountants 417 Heading Forward Financial Planning 418 Heal Focus Podiatry 419 Healthful Wellness 420 Healthscope Pathology 421 Healthy Life Glenelg 422 Heeb Hair 423 Hello Harry 424 Hello World South Brighton 425 Her on Partridge 426 Heritage Building Group 427 Heritage Electrical 428 Hero Thai Massage 429 Hey Bianca Pizza 430 High Quality Car Sales 431 Holdfast Auto 432 Holdfast Baptist Church 433 Holdfast Bay Musculoskeletal Centre 434 Holdfast Bay Optometry 435 Holdfast Conveyancers 436 Holdfast Hotel (The Holdy) 437 Holdfast Medical Centre 438 Holdfast Painting 439 Holdfast Pilates 440 Homebasics Kitchen + Tableware 441 HomeCaring Glenelg 442 Hooked On Chicken And Grill 443 Hove Car Sales Pty Ltd 444 Hove Crash Repairs Pty. Ltd. 445 Hove Dental 446 Hove Health 447 Hove Paint And Panel 448 Hughes Auto Wholesaler 449 Hungry Jacks 450 Ian Thomas & Co 451 Ian's Shoes 452 ICM Construction 453 IGA Somerton Park 454 ihear 455 Il Kafe 456 Impact Nutrition Glenelg 457 Import Factory Tyres SA 458 In Thais Cafe & Noodle Bar 459 INC Cafe 460 Indian Flavours 461 Indian Spice Authentic Cuisine 462 Indochine 463 Infraslimx 464 InkedIn Beauty 465 Innovation Engineering Pty Ltd 466 Inspiration Homes Sa Pty Ltd 467 Inspired Cuts On Hove Pty Ltd 468 Integrity New Homes 469 Irene Davide 470 Iron Maiden 471 Isaacs Auto Electrical 472 Its a secret hair and beauty 473 Jackson's Auto Repairs 474 Jai Thai Massage 475 Jam Hairdesign 476 James Classic Upholstery 477 James Ramsey Manufacturing Jeweller 478 Jetty Babes 479 Jetty Flowers 480 Jetty Road Dental Clinic 481 Jetty Road Shoe Repairs 482 Jetty Road Tattoo Studio 483 Jigsaw Marketing Solutions 484 Jillian Carroll Hair Consultant 485 JJ's Hair Design 486 Job Prospects 487 John M. Roberts Manufacturing Jewellers 488 John Nicholls Barber 489 Juniper And Pine 490 Junipers on the Marina 491 Just Dog Food 492 Just Gorgeous Glenelg 493 K & B Mitre 10 494 Karelea Interiors 495 Karl Chehade Dry Cleaning 496 Kathmandu 497 Kathryn Mccann Real Estate 498 Kauri Community and Sports Centre 499 Kaye Automotive 500 Kaz Hair 501 Kewco Products Pty. Ltd. 502 KFC 503 Kid Sense 504 Kidstuff 505 Kin Lawyers Pty Ltd 506 Kingston Family Clinic 507 Kingston House 508 Kool 4 Kats 509 Krush Hair and Beauty 510 KX Pilates 511 Kylie Brown's Newsagent 512 L.J. Hooker Brighton 513 L.J. Hooker Glenelg 514 Laser Hair Removal At The Bay 515 Lazy Cafe 516 Le Paris Plage 517 Le's Bakery & Vietnamese 518 Leather and Ugg Boot Hut 519 Life and Co 520 Lifestyle Kitchens 521 Lights Landing Apartments 522 Lila Rose 523 Lim's Chinese Restaurant 524 Lippy and More 525 Lisa's Rolls King 526 Little China Palace 527 Little Eatery Glenelg 528 Little Picassos 529 Loan Market 530 Local Kitchen Co 531 Lord Of The Fries 532 Lotus Brows & Lashes 533 Lotus Gifts Design Lifestyle 534 Loud Cow Bar & Grill 535 LPZmethod 536 Luciano's On The Marina 537 Lucky Vietnamese Cuisine 538 Lucky Vietnamese Rolls 539 Lulu & Lo 540 Lumiere Collective 541 Lustosa Marketing 542 Luxe Style Co 543 Madec Recruitment 544 Magain Real Estate 545 Magryn & Associates Pty Ltd 546 Maison Jacquet 547 Makis Yiros Shack Cafe 548 Mamma Carmela Cafe Pizzeria 549 Manhattan Haircutters 550 Marcellina's 551 Marian Pier Nail Bar and Beauty 552 Marina Pier 553 Marina Sunset Bar 554 Marion Tile Centre 555 Mary BBQ 556 Massage on Partridge 557 Massey Espresso Cucina Dolce 558 Mawson Medical Centre 559 Max Pritchard Gunner Architects Pty Ltd 560 Maxitech 561 McCammon Real Estate 562 Mckibbin Real Estate 563 Mclaren Dental Pty Ltd 564 Mcmahon Des Automotive 565 MD Bodycare Massage 566 Meals on Wheels 567 Medimart 568 MediPedi Foot & Hand Clinic 569 Mediterranean Cafe Ristorante 570 Megs Miscellaneous 571 Merlin Auto Repairs 572 Metri-Tek Pty Ltd 573 Metro Air Conditioning Pty Ltd 574 Middy's Data and Electrical 575 Mimi Nail Salon 576 Mind Strategy Psychological Focussed Counselling 577 Mio Gelato 578 Miss 5048 Cafe 579 Miss Banh Mi 580 Miss Mae House of Hair 581 Mister Barber SA 582 Mitre 10 Brighton 583 MJP Studio 584 Mockingbird Lounge 585 Mollymawk 586 Moments Studio 587 Money Options 588 Moorish Bites 589 Mortgage Choice 590 Moseley Bar & Kitchen 591 Motor Hut 592 Motor Radiator Services 593 Movement and Wellbeing Centre 594 Mr B's Studio 595 Mr Foot Dr Podiatrists 596 Mr Potato 597 Multiglazed 598 Muscle Worx 599 Music Eternal 600 Naked by the Sea 601 Natcha Thai Massage 602 National Australia Bank 603 National Pharmacies 604 National Pharmacies 605 National Pharmacies Optical 606 NB Kitchens 607 Neon Moose 608 Nest Kiosk 609 Nijumaru Japanese Restaurant 610 Ninja Sushi And Noodle Bar 611 Noodle Box Glenelg 612 Norfolk Motor Inn 613 North Indian Cuisine 614 Nutrients Matter 615 NX Newspapers & Magazines 616 O'Brien Wealth Management 617 Oakberry Acai Glenelg 618 Oaks Liberty Towers 619 Oaks Plaza Pier 620 Oasis Beauty 621 On Balance Accounting Solutions 622 Ooh La La Beauty Boutique 623 OPSM 624 Orange Spot Bakery 625 Pa Tea 626 Pacific HVAC Engineering 627 PALAZZO Boutique 628 Parlour Hair Glenelg 629 Partridge House 630 PartridgeGP 631 Party Shop 24/7 632 Pastagogo 633 Paul Munns Instant Lawn 634 PC Automotive Pty Ltd 635 Pear Tree Family Practice 636 Pedro's Pizza 637 People’s Choice Credit Union 638 Performance Podiatry 639 Peter Cronin Hove Pharmacy 640 Peter F. Burns Real Estate Pty Ltd 641 Peter Fisher Lawyers 642 Peter Shearers Menswear 643 Pets on Wheels 644 PFM Physio 645 PH Balance & Wellness 646 Phantom Screens Australia 647 Pharmacy 390 Brighton 648 Phil Hoffmann Travel 649 Phone Express 650 PhoneFix 651 Photography by Carly 652 Phuket Thai Restaurant 653 Physio Action SA 654 Physio One 655 Physio One 656 Physio Solutions SA 657 Pier Chic 658 Pier Glenelg 659 Pirate Cat Cafe 660 Pivotal Dance 661 Pizza On Broadway 662 Plaster Fun House 663 Plus Fitness 24/7 664 PLY 665 PMR Financial 666 Police Station 667 Pool Patrol 668 Pool Werx 669 Power Living Glenelg 670 PR Electrical 671 Precise Crash Repairs 672 Prenee Thai Restaurant 673 Priceline Pharmacy 674 Promenade Restaurant 675 Pump Technology Services SA 676 Quality Motor Trimming & Upholstery 677 R W Morgan Conveyancers 678 Rapid Kitchens Pty Ltd 679 Raven Hair & Beauty Studio 680 Rawtec Pty Ltd 681 Ray White Glenelg 682 Ray White Marion & Brighton 683 Real Serve 684 Recycling SA 685 Red Tomato Design 686 Redback Banh Mi & Coffee 687 Repco 688 Resinite Group 689 Ressleep Brighton 690 Restyle Sanctuary 691 Rod Webb Auto Electrical Pty. Ltd. 692 Rodney Clark 693 Rodney Rea Real Estate 694 Romeo's Foodland Glenelg South 695 Rosa Mexicano Glenelg 696 Rose Street Clinic 697 Royal Car Wash Brighton 698 Royal Copenhagen Brighton 699 RSPCA Op Shop Brighton 700 RSPCA Op Shop Glenelg 701 Rubble Workshop 702 Ruby Rouge Boutique 703 Rutter Electrical 704 Ryan Moore - Intuitive body work 705 S & P Graphics Commercial Printers 706 SA Gourmet Meats Glenelg 707 SA Pathology 708 Sabai Cafe 709 Sacred Heart College 710 Sacred Heart College Senior School and Tri Schools Uniform Shop 711 Saigon Oi 712 Sakura Sushi 713 Salt - Show and Lighting Technology 714 Salt Studio 715 Salty Coconut 716 Salty Locs 717 Salvos Glenelg 718 Salvos Stores Brighton 719 Salz Hair and Beauty 720 Sammy's On The Marina 721 Saucy Sweet Cafe 722 Save the Children Australia 723 Scales And Partners 724 Scruffies Pet Food 725 Seacliff Beach Hotel 726 Seacliff Beach Retreat 727 Seacliff Day & Night Pharmacy 728 Seacliff Family Dental Practice 729 Seacliff Friendly Grocer 730 Seacliff Surf Life Saving Club 731 Seafaring Fools 732 Seafire 733 Seaview Chicken and Fish 734 Seelect Educational Supplies Pty Ltd 735 Selling SA Homes Pty Ltd 736 Shaolin Monk Martial Arts 737 Sheridans Accountants & Financial Planners 738 Sherpa Dining 739 Sheshells Restaurant 740 Show and Go Motorcycles 741 Show Off Academy 742 Shutters n Shades 743 Siemax Electrical & Security 744 Signageworld 745 Silk Laser Clinics 746 Simply Natural Massage Therapy 747 Simply Sushi 748 Skin Things Natural Salon 749 Skin4u 750 Slade Fencing 751 Smart Hearing Solutions 752 Smiley Car Wash 753 Smokoz 754 Snipitz Hair by Tracey 755 Somerton Car Sales 756 Somerton Park Car Detailing 757 Somewhere at Moseley 758 Soul City Roasters 759 South Australian Medical Specialists 760 South West Baptist Church 761 Southern Endoscopy Centre 762 Southern Skip Bins 763 Special Size Company 764 Specialist Dermatology Surgery & Laser 765 Spellmans' Social 766 Splashout Art Studios 767 Sports & Spinal Health 768 Sportsgirl 769 Sportspower 770 Spot Paediatrics 771 Spraying By Design 772 St Andrew's Uniting Church 773 St Peter's Woodlands Grammar School 774 Stafford's Warehouse 775 Stamford Grand (Grand Bar) 776 Stamford Grand (Horizons) 777 Stamford Grand Adelaide 778 Stand Up Paddle SA 779 Star Discount Chemist 780 Star Laundromat 781 Steel Plus 782 Stephen Patterson Mp 783 Stepping Stones Hove 784 Steve Jackson Real Estate 785 Stir It Up Catering 786 Studio Pilates International Glenelg 787 Studio Vino Glenelg 788 Sturm's Group 789 Style Hutt 790 Style Media & Co 791 Subway Jetty Road 792 Summertown studio 793 Sunglass Hut 794 Sunny side up cafe 795 Superette 796 Surf Dive n' Ski 797 Susan Nash & Associates 798 Sushi Date Glenelg 799 Susie-Lotta Photography 800 Sussan 801 Sustainable Business Consultants 802 Suzanne Grae 803 Swedish Tarts Glenelg 804 Symphony of Hair 805 Taft Motor Inn 806 Taking Shape 807 Tan Ezy 808 Tandoori Delight 809 Tapleys Charcoal Chickens And Burger House 810 Taplin Real Estate 811 Taste Of The Himalayas 812 Tattoo Asylum 813 TDR Electrical 814 Temptation Sailing 815 Teraterra 816 Terra and Sol 817 Terry White Chemmart 818 Texas Bull Mobile Caterers 819 The 1530 Network 820 The Alchemists Kitchen 821 The Anglican Parish Of Brighton St Judes 822 The Beachouse Function Room 823 The Beauty Room on Broadway 824 The Boxing Room 825 The Bronze Snake 826 The Changing Canvas 827 The Chicken Spot & Pizza Bar 828 The Colley Hotel 829 The Daily Fixx 830 The Dental Studio 831 The Eyebrow Studio 832 The Framer 833 The Garden Cafe. Cafe. Gallery. Events 834 The George Glenelg 835 The Glenelg Club 836 The Goldsmithery 837 The Good Tiger 838 The Great Amazon Aquarium & Pet Outlet 839 The Health Hub Adelaide 840 The Hit Centre 841 The Income Tax Professionals 842 The Ivy Room 843 The Little Boutique 844 The Local Greek 845 The Loft Collaborative 846 The Merchandiser 847 The Old Glenelg Bungalow 848 The Organik Store 849 The Original Montezuma's Glenelg 850 The Ottoman Grill Traditional Turkish Cuisine 851 The Outdoor Scene 852 The Oyster Bar Holdfast Shores 853 The Recovery Hub 854 The Royal Moody Barber 855 The Sanctuary At Hove 856 The Seller Door 857 The Shape Co 858 The Somerton Surf Life Saving Club Bar & Bistro 859 The Source Bulk Foods 860 The Spiritual Assembly Of The Baha'is Of Holdfastbay Incorporated 861 The Storage Shop 862 The Strand Café Restaurant 863 The Three Arches 864 The Wash 865 The Wharf 866 Threefold Distilling 867 Thrive Family Practice 868 Tim Pine Studio 869 Tint Works Marion 870 Titan Performance Group (Triathlon Multisport Lifestyle & Custom Apparel Store) 871 TOB 872 Tomiko Japanese Steakhouse 873 Tony & Co Hairdresser and Barber 874 Top Gearbox and Differential 875 Tradelink 876 Traditional Thai Massage Brighton 877 Travel Associates 878 Travel Managers - Carolyn Denton 879 Trees of Life Wellness Clinic 880 Trevor Hayley - Life Memorial Celebrant 881 Triangle Theory 882 Trio Sign Solutions 883 Tuckers Tennis 884 Tuukii Hair Lounge 885 Twisted Treats 886 Two Greek Boys 887 Tyrepower Brighton 888 Ultra Tune Glenelg 889 Umi Sushi 890 Uncle Doc's 891 Uniqorn Eats 892 Unique One Recycle Boutique 893 Utilities Constructions 894 Utzi Glenelg 895 Vain Haircutters And Colourists 896 Vanilla Vibe 897 Veloce Paninoteca Glenelg 898 Vertice Boutique 899 Verve Group 900 Vientiane Thai-Laos Restaurant 901 Vinnies Brighton 902 Vodafone 903 Waffle King 904 Warwick Conveyancing 905 Water Bay Villa B&B 906 Water Colours on the Marina 907 Watermark Glenelg 908 Waves On Partridge 909 Waxxxed 910 Weslec 911 Western Crash Repairs 912 Westpac Bank 913 Windswept Hair 914 Winter & Co. 915 Wise Automotive & Gas 916 Wiseman Made 917 Wishart Jewellers 918 Wood 'N' Stamp Shopfitting Pty Ltd 919 Woolworths Brighton 920 Woolworths Supermarket 921 Wordsmiths AU 922 Worn Again Op Shop 923 Yellow Brick Road 924 Yo-Chi 925 Your Podiatry 926 Your Way Disability SA 927 Yum Yum Chap Chap 928 Zac Grooming For Men 929 Zambrero 930 Zap 24 Hr Fitness 931 Zink The Element of Hair 932 Ziptrack 933 Zola Zola 934 Zucca Greek Mezze