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The City of Holdfast Bay fosters economic growth through advocacy and partnerships with other levels of government and local service providers to deliver programs and services that facilitate business growth.
Southern Business Mentoring Program
Businesses operating within the City of Holdfast Bay have access to confidential one-on-one free advisory sessions for those wishing to start a business or operating an existing business in the Southern Adelaide region (including the cities of Holdfast Bay, Marion and Onkaparinga).
The Southern Business Mentoring Program offers:
- Advice geared to your business needs
- Business health checks for existing businesses
- Connection to specialised services and advice
- Business Advisors specialising in a range of disciplines
The service has been an initiative of the City of Holdfast Bay, City of Marion and City of Onkaparinga.
Business Grants
Holdfast Bay Shopfront Grant
The City of Holdfast Bay Shopfront Grants are available for Holdfast Bay businesses and commercial property owners. Funds of up to $5,000 are available, matched on a $1:$1 basis depending on the availability of funds at the time of application.
The Shopfront Grants program assists the owners and/or tenants of commercial buildings within the city in enhancing their exterior appearances. Maintaining the appearance of shopfronts and buildings adds to the city's character, heritage, and charm.
To apply for Shopfront Grant funding, please visit our online portal below for guidelines and to complete your application.
Please Note: The grant will not be available for work completed at the time of application.
If you require an alternative version to an online application or need more information regarding the grants, please contact our Business Development Partner.
Jetty Road, Glenelg micro grants
The Jetty Road Glenelg micro grant is an initiative of the Jetty Road Main Street Committee and is available for businesses contributing to the Jetty Road, Glenelg Special Rates Levy. A total of $12,000 has been allocated to support Jetty Road businesses in marketing their products and services.
The micro grant is designed exclusively to help elevate your business with up to $500 available for:
- In-store events such as VIP nights, launch parties, menu reveals
- New window displays
- Industry nights
- Other initiatives that will increase customers
Eligibility requirements, assessment process, grant information, and application timeframes are available in the SmartyGrants application portal at the link below.
If you would like more information on the grant, please email hello@jettyroadglenelg.com or phone Virginia Miller, Business Development Partner, on 0477 884 446.
Pigeon Mitigation Grant
The Pigeon Mitigation Grants program is available to assist commercial property owners and/or tenants of buildings within the City of Holdfast Bay to control and manage the impacts of nuisance pigeons.
Grants of up to $500 are available for eligible applicants for the purpose of proofing and deterrents, repairs and upgrades to roof access, and audio scare devices. If more extensive works are required, you may be eligible for a shopfront grant where the works provide facade improvements to the street exterior.
The Holdfast Bay business directory shopping cart grant aims to assist businesses located within the City of Holdfast Bay with an affordable way to reach more customers through a shopping cart facility linked to the local business directory. The grants are available to local businesses that seek to gain an online e-commerce presence and be promoted through the Holdfast Bay Business Directory and the Shop Local SA web portal.
This is a collaborative project between the City of Holdfast Bay and Shop Local SA to improve local businesses' visibility and increase the exposure of local businesses to more customers across South Australia and nationally.
To apply for E-commerce (Shopping Cart) Grant funding, please visit our online Smarty Grants portal for guidelines and complete your application.
Holdfast Bay Business Directory
Gain more exposure for your business and promote your business on the new Holdfast Bay local business directory. Launched in November 2019, the business directory is another way your business can connect with local residents and visitors. Whether you’re a large or small business or operating from home, the directory is available to all businesses located in Holdfast Bay.
To find out more on how to list your business or provide additional content to your existing entry, complete the form below
Pop-up Business Opportunities
The City of Holdfast Bay has created four commercial pop-up spaces on the ground floor of the Glenelg Town Hall for home-based businesses seeking to test your products or services on a short-term basis in a brick-and-mortar premier retail seaside destination.
Opportunities exist for flexible licence agreements between two and 24 weeks, allowing you to build an audience and trial a physical location while considering a shift to long-term commercial leasing.
For more information on the pop-up spaces and how to register your expressions of interest, visit www.yourholdfast.com/your-business/pop-up
South Australian Government Support for Small Businesses
Office for Small and Family Business
Support for business start-ups and existing small and family businesses. Offers practical tools and resources and links businesses to information, counselling advice, and services.
Small Business Commissioner South Australia
The Small Business Commissioner partners with government agencies to deliver free information sessions to businesses on topics related to retail and commercial leasing, employment and staffing, intellectual property, dispute resolution, franchising, and more.
The information sessions are now broadcast via an online webinar, and they are also recorded and made available for future viewing via the Small Business Commissioner YouTube channel.
For all the details on accessing any of the information sessions, visit the website below.